A Toast to Tradition and Heart: An Interview with Country Artist Robert Ross

In the world of country music, Robert Ross is carving his own path while
staying true to the roots that inspire him. With the release of his two
new singles, “Drink ‘Em Down” and “Mamma’s Song,” and the buzz
surrounding his sophomore album *Better With Time*, Ross is proving that
his music resonates with authenticity and heartfelt stories. From
honoring his late mother to capturing the essence of traditional
country, Ross opens up about his songwriting process, creative
collaborations, and the unique experiences that have shaped his journey
as an artist.

Q: Robert, your two new singles, “Drink ‘Em Down” and “Mamma’s
Song,”released a few months back.  Can you tell us what inspired these
tracks and what they mean to you personally?

A. “Mamma’s Song” is a heartfelt song written in memory of my late
Mother Betty Comeau. I wrote it in January of this year. I came home
from church one Sunday morning and I was sitting at my desk looking at a
picture of my Mom just reflecting back to when I was child and the love
she had for me. The memories and words just flowed together.

“Drink’Em Down” is a good ole country drinking, cheating, hurting song.
When someone comes home to find their partner cheating on them, they do
what almost seems natural to do. Head on down to the local watering hole
and start drinking and like the line in the song says “the more I drink
the better I get” seems to stand true for a lot of people. The song was
inspired by someone who mentioned that they had found their spouse at
home cheating on them. That thought had always stuck in the back of my

Q: “Better With Time,” your sophomore album, has generated a lot of
buzz. How does this album differ from your debut, “It’s Never Too
Late,”in terms of themes and musical direction?

A. The new album Better With Time Is more upbeat and a bit of a party
album. It has a 90’s feel to it with a splash of Rock A Billy to it.
Whereas It’s Never Too Late leans a bit more to the traditional side of
country music.

Q: You’ve co-written “Drink ‘Em Down” with Canadian artist Gil
Grand.What was the creative process like for this collaboration, and how
did his influence shape the final version of the song?

A. I had started writing this song about 2 years ago and when I got to
Nashville last year Gil and I were looking at songs for the new album.
Drink Em Down was tabled but it needed some work on the chorus. We
banged out a few Ideas and this is what we came up with

Q: Your music has deep roots in traditional country, with influences
like Johnny Cash and Merle Haggard. How do you balance paying homage to
these legends while crafting your own unique sound?

A. I have a deep respect for Country music and the greats that made it
what it was. I work very hard on staying within the boundaries of what
would be considered country music pre 2000.

Q: Having spent over a decade in the Canadian Army, how has your
military experience shaped your songwriting and the stories you tell
through your music?

A. My military experience taught me to respect all things and also
respect myself. This has shaped me into who I am and my music I guess is
an extension of me.

Q: You’ve performed in Australia, Canada, and Nashville. How have these
different music scenes influenced your style, and do you notice a
difference in how audiences respond to your music in each place?

A. I find that no matter where I play, people who come to my shows have
a great love of Country music and they really appreciate that I stay
true to myself.

Q: “Mamma’s Song” sounds like it could be a deeply personal tribute. Can
you share the story behind this track and how your mother’s influence
has impacted your musical career?

A. “Mammas Song” is a heartfelt song written in memory of my late Mother
Betty Comeau. It tells of the love we had for each other and the heart
break in losing her when she passed. Remembering back to the sound of
her voice as she sang all the old great country songs and the beautiful
gospel songs she loved. My Mom was always singing around the house and
the radio was always playing so this shaped my music from a very early
age whether I knew it at the time or not.

Q: As a rising artist with international success, what’s been the most
rewarding moment of your journey so far, and what do you hope listeners
will take away from your new album, “Better With Time”?

A. To me it is always most rewarding to see the joy on peoples faces as
they are enjoying one of my shows and when they sing back my songs well
that is the best drug in the world.

I hope that everyone who listens to the new album will enjoy the fun
that’s in it. The New album is a toe tapping good ole country album.

For more information, please visit http://www.robertrossmusic.com

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