Hey There Delilah

‘All this time that I poured into you, I could’ve poured all that time into me.’

At a time when women are being set alight (Rebecca Cheptegei), pureed in a blender (yes you read that right, see Kristina Joksimovic) you wonder why we would choose the bear. There are no words that can adequately describe my utter contempt, women are constantly in a state of panic, it is not about the man who owns a gun and doesn’t use it 99% of the time, it is about the 1% that he will. Admittedly a lot goes unreported as abuse can take on many forms, some women die a little every day living with their abusers, scared and helpless and lost.

‘they’ll be claiming they supported me when I know they didn’t.’

Well thank fuck for our Delilah, a much needed whirlwind, a breath of fresh air and an ally to all those who need her. Her ‘eloquence’ is a result of her own struggles, things she sees on the inside of an industry that is revealing itself to be a hideous entity, with allegations of abuse appearing almost daily now, some of it due to its own egotistic and maniacal corporate bullshit.

‘Never think that a girl could be so mad’

Like nails on a blackboard, she scratches and scrapes at our bodies, cutting us open and reshuffling our organs, maybe make sense of our internal atomics. The corrosion that we have let take over is curable, but we need a vicious overhaul that can only be spearheaded by people who exhibit the influence and stature of Delilah. The human equivalent of a blunt force trauma, this fireball personality is an unexpected and truly fortuitous poet laureate amongst those who understand; her kinship is cemented in acceptance and inclusion and those whose loyalties are skin deep can look away now. Through her anger we get words that are spicier than most, but there is a consciousness that drives the Bonmobile further into our lives, absorb it all and use it to turn your life around. The gentle tapping on my temples of ‘Freak Alert’ instantly has me looking towards the window, and the shadowy figure of Danny Glick, gurgling malignantly. With ‘Volatile’ we see inside the art and the artist, the degradation, the humiliation that they face, our barb -wired Barbie has created her own lane.
Amongst the angst and fire, we have wisdom and clarity, she knows the score, she sees the goalposts and she doesn’t miss, she is one vexatious vixen. Her conviction to learn new skills, have afforded her the freedom of self-producing her own work, what we get is her ideas, her thoughts, all packaged exactly how she wants it.
Delilah aka Lauren Tate (Hands Off Gretel) has had no end of grief, but she shoulders it beautifully, she gives as good as she gets, a pioneer and leader, for everyone who feels neglected, dejected and disrespected. I’m happy to be the ‘Villain’ in your story, as I’ve not ‘Committed A Crime’ but life is like a detention at the hands of ‘Grown Ass Men’ who delight in ‘The Internet’ and all it offers.
Flip the switch in me, get the bitch in me, an evil hate filled female; you can add me to that list.

Azra Pathan

Delilah Bon – Evil Hate Filled Female out now.

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