Finally, after two years away, The Wildhearts, circa 2024, are back with a new lineup, a bubbling sense of purpose and an ear-assaulting live ka-boom. Bassist Jon Poole, guitarist Ben Marsden, and drummer Pontus Snibb join Ginger’s latest incendiary ‘Hearts incarnation. Opening with a track from each of their last two studio albums, ‘Sleepaway’ and the truly masterful ‘Diagnosis’ volley this celebratory night into the confetti-covered spotlight. Tonight, the forever-loyal Wildies congregation are out in force, drinking (heavily), singing, and dancing in the level one aisles. A visibly upbeat and smiling Ginger addresses the elephant in the room early on by saying this latest lineup was another chapter in The Wildhearts’ big book, but more importantly, we, the crowd, had remained before blasting out a nostalgic trio of fan faves. ‘Suckerpunch’, ‘Caffeine Bomb’ and the usually saved-for-the-encore ‘I Wanna Go’ are all tangibly bear-hugged by the animated floor area. ‘Slaughtered Authors’ gets a rare live outing, whereas ‘Vanilla Radio’ and ‘Mazel Tov Cocktail’ get sung back to a stage covered in stroke-inducing lights, bouncing band members and arena-sized ramps. New cuts ‘Eventually’ and the cathartic ‘Hurt People Hurt People’ offer an interesting, tell me more, glimpse into what lies ahead for the smileybones faithful in (according to Ginger) September (now early 2025). The biggies continue as the beautifully bombastic ‘Evelone’ garners another huge “fuck it” sing-a-long moment.

Photo by Ian Ladlow.

The night proved, for better or worse, that the past is best remembered and savoured for what it was. Personally, I left with a heartwarming sense of happiness for the band and fans but also a minor dull ache of sadness that things may never be the same again. Gorge on them while they’re here because, with The Wildhearts, anything, and I mean anything, is possible, including ending tonight’s refreshingly triumphant show with the understated rock majesty of ‘Caprice’.

For more Wildhearts, including some ‘Ginger Plays The Wildhearts’ solo dates info, head over to

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