Ritual De Lo Habitual

‘Take it all away, make it all OK’

Life is a journey, you meet people, interact with them, say hello, wave goodbye, some stay, some leave, some become friends and some, like the line up in Vower, use their shared experiences to regroup, to reanimate and create a band that is already a heavyweight in the post-hardcore scene. Their combined wealth of talent is prodigious; it is with this new incarnation that they have all finally come home.
My chance to see Black Peaks was dashed when illness took over and they were forced to cancel their spot on the Gojira tour. As fate would have it, drummer Liam Kearley and guitarist Joe Gosney are now part of Vower, along with singer Josh McKeown – Palm Reader – guitarist Rabea Massad- Toska- and Rory McLean on bass, a supergroup if you will. The artwork manifests the notion of concealment, the need to keep things hidden. the image mirrors the words precisely; we are living a life of lies.
We lift the ‘Shroud’ we see the reality within, we see the horrors that people hide, images that show movement underneath, mysterious and portentous.
There is plenty to think about ‘In The Wake Of Our Failure’ our actions and inactions are responsible for the state of things, we are controlled by deception, gift wrapped as truth.
The power of Vower is evident in the video for ‘False Rituals’ taking a stab at social media, how we are all taken in by what we see, adding to the chronic anxiety we already suffer. Our smashed, crashed and burned bodies as a consequence of modern living and mentalities are inadequate to stop the unveiling, our collapse is out of our hands. Through the ‘Eyes of A Nihilist’ our journey so far comes to an end. There is plenty more up for discussion, the promise of a new dawn with this band can rid us of the ennui. We scramble to our feet, we rise, we bathe in the apricity, we warm ourselves in the glow, because in spite of it all we vow to live to fight another day.

Azra Pathan

Vower – Apricity out now