The Catalyst Within

‘You didn’t want to be here, but you’re dying now to see’

So today I have the next single by southern delights Breather, my apologies for the tardiness, I was working then I had three gigs to cover and then I had flu. Now the title of this one, takes me right back to my Goth days and the old Sisters Of Mercy classic, and then from that there is the ‘Ozymandias’ connection, stick with me, I kinda know where I’m going.
Life and everything in it revolves around the characteristic of impermanence, nothing lasts forever. With that in mind, we need to be conscious of our mortality, our limitations and our destiny.
We temper our thoughts, our words, to adjust to any given scenario, in this song the words are stark, they are bold and have a depth that needs to be explored. In contrast to this we have the simplicity of the video that holds the power, for

a debut attempt I find it quite striking, and there is much to discuss within the parameters set out here. A relationship that suffers an imbalance, who holds the power, who has dominion, and what are they willing to do to hold onto that. Life is all about these struggles, ego plays a part and also pride, and we all know what happened to old Lucifer and his nefarious tactics.
The youngsters coming up through the ranks in the music business are able to speak of such things and dissect them accordingly. Breather are using their grounding to formulate their journey; it would be an enormous bonus to have us all on board. Their perception is to be applauded, I know many artists have already covered these topics, but it still takes guts to wear your heart on your sleeve and have your thoughts all laid out for public scrutiny.
Empires have crumbled, that’s the Ozymandias connection, but in the here and now, we have a duty to protect, to nurture the arts, considering the vital role they play in improving our mental health. Without the constant and correctly targeted resources, we too will crumble, you could argue that the decay has already begun. Take a breather, evaluate what is important, do what you can to contribute, we cannot afford partisanship.
You say your prayers, and I’ll say mine. Dominion.

Azra Pathan

Breather – Dominion out now.