It was quite fitting that the grand finale of their UK tour would be here in the heart and home of metal, the Midlands were royally receptive to Amongst Liars who were touring in support of their new album ‘By Design’ with the affable Andy Finlay engineering the masterplan. It was brilliant to see them again, after such a long time, I’m glad we had time for a quick catch up before we all got on with our jobs.
It was my first time seeing James who is on keys, but tonight he was there to show off his hair extensions, and mighty fine they are too! Amongst Liars are a joy to watch, they are the consummate performers, proficient in their art and exuding an awareness and composure that is assured and confident. There is a marked growth and competence since I last saw them, all culminating in a band that love what they do and are conscientious and rigorous in their work ethic. Powered by Vocalzone – ahem – singer Ian is courageous in his outlook; he is defiant and has the necessary backing from the band. As equals they ride out into a world that is cruel, they are unpretentious, and uncompromising without being disagreeable.

They have the substance and the raw materials essential in building a product that will stand the test of time. They are not an adornment, afforded to the chosen few, only to be discarded heartlessly. With the determined and angst -ridden cry of ‘You Are Not A Slave’ we meet the lads head on, in a collision that will consume our minds, our hearts, our entire being. We remain transfixed as they continually pelt us with sonic bullets, they riddle us with their art, we engage in this spirited exchange, each of us channelling the energy from stage to floor and back again. A cycle of pure unadulterated rock that puts to bed any ideas of the lack of new, original work. We target ‘The Shameful’ we adjust our anger radar ‘Over and Over’ to secure an ‘Alibi’ which will be necessary when all the inanities of recent times come crashing down.
All three bands represented a call from the void, an SOS if you will, that needs to be answered and acted upon. Our industry is crumbling, we have had Covid, we have had Brexit and now we battle gentrification and gatekeeping, it is an uphill conflict, it is an arduous task that needs a robust and decisive agenda to address the challenges and ongoing changes in the attitudes and dynamics. For now, we are here to enjoy the musical delights that all these devilishly handsome chaps and our chapess Aggy are sharing with us. Guitarist Leo is a daredevil, scaling whatever comes his way, I could hear the merch table groaning.

These fellas have been cut from the same cloth, much like our Blue Nation brothers, so it is inevitable that the finished article will be primed to an exquisite standard.
Collapsing in a heap after enduring the hot, sticky scenes, it was obvious everyone had a rollicking good time, and it was a night I will always cherish.
With talk of album number three, the story doesn’t end here.
Azra Pathan
Amongst Liars – The Giffard Arms, Wolverhampton, 20th July 2024