Cherlyann Hawk’s “Love & Gratitude” is A Reflective Journey in Melody

Cherylann Hawk’s latest single, “Love & Gratitude,” is a heartfelt, uplifting anthem that epitomises her enduring presence in the Pittsburgh music scene. Released on June 8, 2024, via SunHawk Records, this track is a testament to Hawk’s emotive artistry and her ability to craft songs that resonate on a deeply personal level.

“Love & Gratitude” is an ode to the simple, yet profound, elements of life that Cherylann Hawk holds dear. Her journey to writing this song started with a serendipitous call from a friend in Nashville, who was seeking new material for a country artist. Although that artist moved on, the song remained with Hawk, eventually evolving into a personal mantra infused with themes of appreciation and positivity.

The track opens with a gentle acoustic guitar, setting a reflective tone that is both inviting and soothing. Hawk’s vocal delivery is rich and warm, immediately drawing the listener into a space of introspection and comfort. Her lyrical narrative speaks to the power of love and gratitude as fundamental aspects of living a fulfilled life. With lines like, “Sometimes it takes a while / To just let go of the things you know / Make you feel like you’re more than just a little bit crazy,” Hawk taps into universal emotions and experiences, making the song relatable and poignant.

Musically, “Love & Gratitude” is a beautifully arranged piece that highlights Cherylann’s collaborative spirit. The song features Bob Zigerelli on lead acoustic guitars, Charlie McVay on pedal steel guitar, Joey Granati on bass and keys, and Tracey Whorton on drums and percussion. Each musician brings a unique texture to the song, creating a rich sonic landscape that complements Hawk’s expressive vocals.

The pedal steel guitar, in particular, adds a touch of country flair, echoing the genre’s storytelling tradition while maintaining a contemporary folk sensibility. The instrumental arrangement is thoughtfully balanced, allowing each element to shine without overshadowing the others. This cohesion speaks to the skillful production work by David Granati at Maplewood Studio, with Brian Foraker’s mastering adding a polished finish.

The lyrics of “Love & Gratitude” are imbued with a sense of hope and encouragement. Hawk’s words are a gentle reminder of the importance of staying grounded and grateful, even in challenging times. The chorus, “All you need is some love and some gratitude,” serves as a mantra for embracing life’s simple joys and fostering a mindset of positivity.

The song’s narrative progresses through verses that emphasise self-care and reflection, culminating in a message of spreading love and gratitude like “wildfire.” This thematic progression mirrors Hawk’s own journey of practising gratitude and finding peace in life’s everyday moments.

Cherylann Hawk’s influence extends beyond her solo work. She is a cornerstone of Pittsburgh’s music community, known for her collaborations with artists like John Vento and her involvement in charitable performances. Her co-founding of AcoustiCafe over 20 years ago highlights her dedication to fostering artistic community and collaboration. Hawk’s work with the Sonny Pugar Foundation’s “Music Smiles” program and performances in retirement homes further underscore her commitment to using music as a tool for healing and connection.

During the pandemic, Hawk’s daily live streams on Facebook and YouTube showcased her adaptability and continued passion for sharing her music with the world, even in virtual formats like Second Life. This tireless dedication to her craft and her community is reflected in the sincerity and warmth of “Love & Gratitude.”


“Love & Gratitude” is a shining example of Cherylann Hawk’s ability to create music that is both deeply personal and universally resonant. With its heartfelt lyrics, soothing melodies, and rich instrumental backing, the single captures the essence of what makes Hawk a beloved figure in the Pittsburgh music scene and beyond. As fans old and new listen to this uplifting track, they are sure to find themselves touched by the same sense of reflection and positivity that inspired its creation.

For a taste of this beautiful track, you can listen to “Love & Gratitude” 

Similar Artists:

– **John Vento** – Frequent collaborator known for his soulful rock and folk influences.

– **Sheryl Crow** – For those who appreciate a blend of folk and rock with heartfelt lyrics.

– **Patty Griffin** – A master of storytelling and emotive songwriting in the folk tradition.

Cherylann Hawk continues to shine as a beacon of musical grace and gratitude, offering her listeners a comforting embrace through each note and lyric.

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