Introducing…. Luceith

So, my friends the wheels of the music industry keep a-turning and today I have a new name for you, read it, assign it a special place in your heart and mind and remember to spread the gospel at every chance you get. I bring you, Lucéith, a fledgling band from the Midlands, an area of outstanding natural beauty when it comes to rock music.
I met lead singer Lee, at a community music project and was immediately taken by her voice, such a presence, so lively and vivid. They began playing as a group in January 2023 and are gigging around the region, attracting the crowds with a delightful set of covers. Looking online you can find some absolutely stonking renditions, ‘Buck Rogers’, ‘Song 3’ and ‘Bad Romance’ being my favourites.

The band are Lee Ellis – vocals, William Dudley -drums, Callum Smart – rhythm guitar, James Coles- bass and Harry Cadman on guitar, together they blast their way through some classics, with support from the audience you can see their confidence and love for what they do.
As with many artists, the songwriting is personal, coming from experience and facing what life throws at you. I think in time we will surely hear from them with original work of their own, for now, I say we let them get a handle on performing and honing their skills on music that is already in the public domain, I see no harm in that. They are young, they have a fire in their bellies that will continue to gather momentum and ferocity as they embark on the choppy waters of the music scene. Here are some live dates, so get out there and show some love to our new breed and the live venues that are struggling to survive at the moment.

20th June – Muthers, Birmingham
6th July- The Victoria, Birmingham
13th July- Cricket Club Festival
18th July – The Sunflower Lounge, Birmingham
31st July – Bunk, Wolverhampton
6th August- Birmingham, venue tbc
7th September- Codfest, Wolverhampton.

It is never an overnight success, it is a long, hard slog, for bands to garner any sort of recognition and celebration of their efforts, it is up to us to stand with them, and support them on their journey, I, for one really hope for a better future for these artists, and a better future for us listeners too.

Azra Pathan