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Raging of Waves, Darkest of Nights

‘Our deeds are destroying everything’

And so we begin the next chapter in the journey of probably my all-time favourite Japanese metal band, Blood Stain Child, the name may not sound too appealing but their music always gives me enormous pleasure. They bring with them two albums ‘Metalia’ and ‘Cyberia’ very robotic and mechanical names if you will, they mirror the Techno, Dance rhythms that are fused with Death growls, lightning speed frets and some unexpected, quite bizarre aural moments too.
After having listened to both albums my favourite track is ‘Don’t Stop Your Life’ energising and optimistic, just what we need right now. It is the song that will have you on your feet, prancing around like a lovestruck teenager, all googly eyed, a sugar crush, a natural high.
We start with ‘Unreal World’ and for a moment I thought Sadew was going to show us his ‘Gangnam Style’ moves, coolly sashaying across the screen. The ever so cutesy ‘Tonight- Delight’ is the perfect tune to lose yourself to. There are plenty of Rave style anthems as well, a genre that sits neatly within this generous and varied framework, for example, ’24H Party’ employing the batshit vibes of Turmion Kätilöt.
There are some peculiar vocal spots, for instance on ‘Dancing Shikabane’ but all is not lost when that short but sweet riff at 2.33 kicks in.

Onwards through cyberspace and at hyperlight, we meet up with ‘Metalia’ in the ‘Omniverse’ with it’s huge chorus, uplifting and glorious. We raise our concerns for our depleting environment, our dismissive attitudes towards nature and the consequential damage. The song ‘Wild Horizon’ is a cry for help, we need to act fast and act now, otherwise we lose our most precious asset. Once again on ‘Moonfall’ we have the difference in the vocal delivery, a bit hit and miss, or maybe I just prefer the harsher sound for this multilayered and multitudinous creation. Both albums possess a smattering of twinkly bits that add sparkle and glitz to a production that, I find, will grow as you give it more time. I think it is difficult to gauge an accurate opinion especially when dealing with a double release, there is so much more to discuss and debate. Ultimately, this is a winner for me, I delight in the accessibility, and the danceability as we race ‘Back To The Planet’ with our heroes and try to save our world.
Blood Stain Child have given us the soundtrack for ‘even when you feel like you have nowhere to belong’ and you yearn for ‘the peace of a new day’ in spite of the ups and downs here, BSC are still a horse that I would back.

Azra Pathan

Blood Stain Child – Metalia and Cyberia out now

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