Currently gallivanting across France with their partner in crime, the super smooth and super stylish, Ayron Jones, my friends Amongst Liars are re-loading their cannon with another single. Taken from their second album, due for release later this year, the track ‘Alibi’ thunders along, gathering up all the unsuspecting carcasses along the way.
It reaches down into your throat and tears out your innards, proudly displaying them as a triumph, declaring to all that no prisoners will be taken. Continually proving themselves in an industry that seems to have closed its doors, these guys can be sure of a healthy and loyal following that will stand with them come what may.
With keyboardist, James Brummeo, accompanying, Ian George- vocals, Leo Burdett -guitar, Adam Oarton – drums, Ross Towner -bass on their tour of all things French, they maintain an air of fragrant hostility, always on the front foot, always perceptive and enduring in their presence.
With more tales of mistrust and devilment under scrutiny, you can understand their frustration, and this is the quality that makes them so relatable. Not content with politely ringing the doorbell, prepare for an axe through the door in the style of Jack Nicholson, all googly eyed and wired to perfection.
Safe travels to all on this tour, which so far has been a rollicking success, they chronicle the life and times of the modern rock band, enthusiastically and energetically.
As they leave us waiting for the next album, they also leave us waiting for an alibi – ahem.
Now where’s the cheese and wine?
Azra Pathan
Amongst Liars – Alibi out now.