Is for heroes, my friends, according to The Damned, and that is the crux of the show tonight, four bands descending on the home of metal, to delight and destroy in equal measure.
So, after giving myself a hernia climbing all those stairs, I find myself in the rafters of this beautiful building, and I settle down like a contented pigeon to watch all the shenanigans down below.
First up it’s our Australian cousins Justice For The Damned who have traversed over land and sea to be here tonight and it is a privilege to see them. We all know it has been a dreadful time for the industry and the mere thought of bands travelling so far was not even a consideration, JFTD are grateful to be here, and are ready to ‘fuck things up’.
With hefty growls from the land Down Under, singer Bobak Raffiee summons the crowd to mosh like crazy, this is not the time to be standing still. Not having heard of these guys before, I was unfamiliar with the songs, but I really enjoyed the passion, the fervour and the work they put into the music. They did a fantastic job of opening up an evening that would remain with us for a very long time. Finishing with ‘Pain Is Power’ JFTD can relax in the knowledge that they did more than enough to shake our souls.
Next up were Guilt Trip all the way from sunny Manchester, presenting their new album ‘Severance’ live and unleashed, singer Jay Valentine slinks across the stage in the only way hardcore knows how. Always engaging and honest to their values, they are doing a fine job of rattling our cages. Time to fly with ‘Broken Wings’ and skate on ‘Thin Ice’ afford yourself a little guilt trip, definitely worth finding out more about these fellas. It was an incredible vibe that the two openers set up for the night ahead.
Second in command tonight were Sylosis, dark, menacing and roughing it up with their slice and dice riffs. The classic windmill manoeuvre was evident as they pummelled us with prime cuts from their catalogue of carnage. The highlight for me was ‘A Sign Of Things To Come’ what a tune, igniting a collective fire in the crowd. Despite those blinding lights, the set was exhilarating, they reminded me of Mastodon, where the music does the talking.

The musical nous throughout was bruising, emphatic and high-octane, I was mildly thrashing around in my seat, excited and immensely inspired by it all.
Malevolence, the kings amongst kings of hardcore, bounce on to the stage, greeting everyone from the pit below to those seated in the rooftops, singer Alex Taylor is instantly likeable, reaching out the hand of friendship, and the fans hanging on like their lives depended on it. The UK hardcore scene at its best, of course with some help from our Australian friends, as the fans go over the top in a cascade of crowdsurfers as they were invited to ‘come up and say hi’ it was a lot of fun. When ‘Still Waters Run Deep’ you may need to ‘Keep Your Distance’ but ‘Karma’ is not far behind. A blinder of a show, proof that there is life after lockdown and that music transcends all, Malevolence travel at hyperlight, they are invincible and a band that pulls no punches in their insight, arrangements, and delivery.
I came for Malevolence but left with a Guilt Trip, now watch me step into hell with a malicious intent!
Azra Pathan
Malevolence/ Sylosis/Guilt Trip/ Justice For The Damned 9th November 2023, Birmingham O2 Institute.