Questions answered by Ken C Keller Jr. Vocalist/Lead Guitarist/Main Songwriter
When did the initial idea for your latest single come together?
The idea for this album started as a poem I wrote for my wife entitled “One Red Balloon”. She is a huge horror and Stephen King nerd, so I wrote her a love poem from the perspective of Pennywise the clown and instead of giving roses he gave “One Red Balloon”. The rest of the album just fell together after I turned that poem into a song, also for the wife.
How would you describe the track, to a reader that is unfamiliar with the band?
I say that our music skirts the razor thin edge of where hard rock meets metal. We don’t limit ourselves to a specific genre and like to think that we offer something for everyone. We use dual guitars to harmonize with the rhythm section of the bass and drums to create an experience not just a song.
Can you tell us a bit more about the meaning behind the track?
My idea for the original poem was that if Pennywise can absorb all the emotions and knowledge of the people that he “eats” then maybe he would want to experience love. Since I strive to be original and keep her happy, I thought she would enjoy it and I was correct and so far, the response to the song and the album have also been very positive.
How would you say that the track compares to anything you’ve done before?
I think that all around this album is a step above what I have done in the past as this album is 100% me and what I was feeling lyrically so it’s really putting myself out there and I appreciate all the criticisms whether they be positive or negative. To be successful at anything you must first take risks because with risk comes reward and with no risk comes regret. I believe in putting everything into everything I do and this album is no exception.
What was the hardest part about putting it together, and why?
The hardest part about this album was that when I was writing, it was just the drummer and I as we were in the middle of a lineup change. So, the original version was all me playing all the instruments and for the first time it was all me on vocals. This was not easy as I am used to collaborating with the other members for their parts. When we got some other members the drummer and I rerecorded their parts before releasing the album so their influences were there as well but ultimately, they all had to like what I wrote and feel how they would like to add their nuances to an already completed work.
Why should a reader check out the track?
There are several reasons they should check out the track. Who doesn’t like horror and Pennywise the clown? Who wouldn’t be curious about a poem turned into a metal song? Who wouldn’t be curious to see how the song develops and stays on topic while still staying true to the music. Lastly, every big artist the reader likes and enjoys was once a smaller band just trying to make it and needed all the support, they could get…like us 😊
What else can you tell us about the track, that we haven’t covered in this interview?
There aren’t many love songs that are metal and written in Drop A tuning so check it out. We went outside the box of “normal” metal here and I believe the listener appreciates the break from the norm and this album has something for everyone to include metal in your face, old school hair metal-esqu ballads, all the way to a man singing with a piano.
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Red Balloon is available to stream now!