‘And sorry mom I know it wasn’t easy living like this, but we gon’ make it out of the dark times.’
Word on the street is that my friends UNITYTX are back, they bring with them eleven songs of high intensity, suspended in a brutal and fractured infra-structure, just take a look at The Purge inspired ‘Diamond Diez’ hold my beer folks, I’m going in!
After the total and irreparable damage of lockdown, the consequent ‘Burnout’ sees us all in need of a restart, a reset and a clean slate. To fully appreciate that, we need to assess the ruins, calculate what it is we want for our future, and make the necessary cuts and jettison the excess baggage. It takes guts; UNITYTX have that in spades, when the world is against you, every effort you make is never enough.
The rip roarious rap numbers continue with ‘Picture This’ a sassy little thing, pinpointing the negativity that humans can display, take a look at the words ‘ from the moment that I stepped up, they try to talk down on me’ people are never satisfied until they bring others down. The typical, selfish behaviour of pulling the gates shut behind you once you get what you want.
‘I never meant to choke myself, it just got hard to breathe’ says it all really.
The incredibly powerful 1.33 of ‘Lost In Dayz’ seen through the live experience is painful, the head-spinning chant of ‘get my head straight’ Jay Webster sings it and the shot is heard all around the world. He is backed up by Ricky Cova on guitar, Kendrick Nicholson on bass and drummer Jonathan Flores, forming a quartet of cacophonous insurgents. With the hard-hitting ‘Killing Alchemy’ looks like these guys are right up there with Dying Fetus in the lyrics race, take this for instance ‘ I ain’t myself cause you took a toll on me’ they are living my head I tell ya! Leading swiftly into the dangerously dark, in da house club banger ‘Roc Sh!t’ you know ‘I’m still the madboy, stay pissed’ that’s what I take from this.
In this ‘World Of Malice’ we can but shake our heads in despair, we can offer our condolences, we can endeavour to remedy and redress, all of which takes time, which no-one seems to have. In a world of malice, we may as well follow Alice into her world, bizarre yet gladdening of the heart and spirit. This album is floor to ceiling, wall to wall, bouncy, trouncy, hip hop stacked high like volatile Jenga tower, it will have you jumping like a demented Tigger, fans and band in unison, we are one, we are UNITYTX.
Ok, deep breath, sharp scratch, this might sting a little….
Azra Pathan
UNITYTX – Ferality out now