‘They lied and we obeyed, the time is now’.
Having circled the globe as a band since 1991, Kataklysm are the kings amongst kings when it comes to Death Metal, and are now back with album number fifteen, prepare for gore, prepare for war my friends.
Starting with ‘Dark Wings Of Deception’ the story begins across the frozen wastelands, chillingly beautiful, gliding across the icy waters, only to be faced with a man, a demon in fact, ravaged, crawling across the glacial surface to within an inch of his life, we fear his journey, we fear his end. A knife, a throne, a sadistic figure, callous, and determined in his intentions.
Kataklysm are Maurizio Iacono – vocals, J F Dagenais – guitars, Stephane Barbe – bass and James Payne on drums, together they ride over land and sea, grappling with the tumult and chaos that is our world today. The story of David and Goliath is re-imagined in the present day, the title track teaches us that ‘no enemy is too big’ we can win the fight if we all pull together, we have been deceived for way too long. It is short and sweet at 2.54 but packs a real punch to the gut, I love that intense drumming throughout, unforgiving and foreboding.
At a time when it feels as though the tables are turning, albeit slowly, we rejoice at the small victories for example ‘I’m the one you left to die, and now I’m here to take you away’ gives us hope that in time we can defeat whatever oppresses us. The intermittent growling and gurgling intensifies the soundtrack to our deceived perceptions, the rampant and debauched antics of our most poisonous leaders, and the resultant Hell on earth that we are suffering.
The eviscerating ‘Heroes To Villains’ interprets this scenario perfectly with its words ‘bend the world, install the fear, push the sane to the edge of the world’ the elite are thriving because they have harassed and hounded the poor and vulnerable to the extent that they are left with next to nothing.
The introduction for ‘Gravestones And Coffins’ I feel I’ve heard in some Thrash metal, that slow beat, that speeds up to start the song and then repeats later to balance out the delivery. The riff at 1.02 in the bruising finishing move by Kataklysm that is ‘The Sacrifice Of Truth’ is harmonious with a deadly undertone, and the outro is the ultimate in Death metal, holding onto our broken souls until the very end.
A journey that traverses from the land of the living to the land of the dead, we encounter all hostility, all seasons and all sensations. A journey of cataclysmic proportions, through the innocence of youth, the sacrifice of truth, avail yourself, and don’t let the treachery of darkness engulf you.
Azra Pathan
Kataklysm – Goliath out now