As you probably know, CBD acts directly on the body via the endocannabinoid system. Thanks to its unique natural benefits, millions of people now use CBD, and you can find out more about CBD in mental health here.
Science and CBD
A 2011 study, which observed the effect of CBD on the brain, shows that it has a tangible impact on the brain. For people suffering from depression, it could be an excellent way of relieving specific symptoms of this pathology. Moreover, cannabidiol has little or no side effects, unlike anxiolytics and other benzodiazepines used for this type of illness.
Of course, CBD is not a medicine and should not be used as a substitute for them. If you are interested in consuming CBD and wish to take it as a supplement to your current treatment, be sure to consult your doctor beforehand to avoid mixing it with anything that could affect your health.
How to use CBD for anxiety?
CBD products can have a local or generalized action. For example, when you know you will be in a stressful situation, you can slip a few drops of CBD oil under your tongue or inhale your favourite flower. However, the effects of CBD may not be strong enough to help you get over your anxiety.
This may depend on the dose you take and the method you use because, with inhalation or sublingual, the effect of cannabidiol is faster than with ingestion methods, but the results also fade quickly. So the best thing to do is to start with small doses and find out what works for you.
If you opt for dried flowers, be careful about the variety you choose. At Kilograms, we recommend types known for their calming effects, such as Gorilla Glue CBD, Lavender Diesel CBD or the essential OG Kush CBD.
Cannabis and anxiety
What about cannabis? Although CBD is also derived from cannabis, it does not cause any psychotropic effects and is different from cannabis containing THC.
So, when you consume cannabis containing THC, you should feel a state of relaxation or even euphoria. But sometimes the euphoria turns into a “bad trip”.
The “bad trip” is an unpleasant effect that can occur after using THC. You will experience a disconnection from reality, accompanied by delusions or hallucinations. These symptoms are pretty characteristic of psychosis, which is frightening! This bad trip can manifest as worry or slight anxiety without any other symptoms. But sometimes, this anxiety can also become intense and trigger a panic attack, also called an anxiety attack.
This is why it is not recommended in times of stress or if you are prone to anxiety. It would be completely counterproductive.
What to eat to reduce stress?
First and foremost, if you are feeling chronic stress or anxiety at the moment, it is best to consult your doctor so that a potential treatment can be put in place if necessary.
But CBD products can also be beneficial in managing your anxiety. For example, you can turn to CBD oils, which, thanks to their sublingual intake, will have faster effects than other types of consumption.
Their taste can be herbaceous and might bother some palates. That’s why a CBD infusion can be another good way to consume cannabidiol without having that typical herbal taste. You can even create your mix of strains to innovate the flavour of your hot drink. Remember to add fat, such as whole milk, so that the CBD has a better bioavailability, especially to decarboxylate your flowers before putting them in your cup.
You can also turn to CBD cures by consuming capsules rich in cannabidiol. These cures can be followed over several weeks or even months, depending on the number of capsules in the treatment. Follow the dosage carefully, and always consult your doctor beforehand.
CBD – such as CBD products you can buy online at JustBob.shop – seems promising and effective in helping all types of anxiety, locally over time or long-term. It is not a medicine: never replace the treatment your doctor has prescribed without first discussing it with them. CBD can be a safe and gentle first attempt at relief if you suffer from anxiety and have never consulted a doctor. CBD products are also for you if you have tried several solutions but none worked for you.