Love, my friends, is a many splendored thing, just ask Blue Nation who are currently reeling from the throes of passion, their new song ‘Every Single Time’ stokes the fire even further with romance turned on its head. The video sees our Neil flummoxed to perfection as he catches his best pal Luke having it away with his girl. Positively rabid, we have the unavoidable showdown, eyes locking, emotions on the edge, the music is expertly positioned to capture each step, each whisper of humanity as we juggle the intricacies of this situation. Beginning with that instantly recognisable 1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4 beat then leading into a verse that draws the emotional lines as we venture further into their world. At 0.39 we get THE moment, guilt, regret, jealousy, anger all rushing through the sky and landing right in the pit of your stomach.
Through gritted teeth and even grittier frets we are confrontational, we are bold and unafraid.
The instability of us, the incapability of us, shown in all its glory, lessons to be learned too, but for now enjoy this little blighter, it has got the hooks and the looks to ensnare and share amongst the fanatical Blue Meanies fanbase and beyond. The torment at 1.47 slices you in half, you get the high notes synergistic with the low hum of simmering anguish, the throbbing of a broken heart, all contributing to a heady concoction, drink it at your peril. Finishing on an upsurge, impassioned, rousing and then drowning in a cascade of dizzying sensations, tumbling amongst the images that come at you, vying for your attention and your loyalty. The simplicity accentuates the beauty and the attraction, the black and white shots are fluid, yet compelling, they fuse the tangled web, and produce a mechanism that portrays the story behind the song so eloquently.
The fine art of betrayal brought to you by Brum’s finest, prepare to die a little more and say goodbye to romance!
Azra Pathan
Blue Nation – Every Single Time out now