So how has your latest album/EP gone so far with fans then?
Thank you for asking, better than any album before. We have had a lot of positive comments online (and personally), and we are very happy with the response the album created among our fans. We also think that our latest album “Proud to Love You.” helped us to get new fans.
Tell us something about the release no one knows?
Well, what is there that nobody (or only a few people) know and that the readers here might find interesting? Perhaps something about the cover that not everybody knows: In Dutch, there is the term “knuffelrock”, a term that would literally mean “cuddle rock” in English, and that is very popular for compilations of soft rock music, which is the kind of rock music that is compiled on the album. In addition, the Dutch term for a stuffed animal (like the ones on the cover) is “knuffel” – so cuddly rock presented to you by plush toys. And those on the cover are, by the way (and that is something almost nobody knows), my own favorite plush toys from my childhood, taken from a collage my father made for me many decades ago…
If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
I love working with my guys, and if I could choose, I would not swap them with anybody else. The way we work together, the way we supplement each other is unique, and with any other musician, this is a process that would have to take place first (if at all possible) before the cooperation could be as beneficial as the current one is. So to answer your question – If I could work with any band on a new song, I would like to work with ELOAĦ.
How has your latest release been received?
We are very happy with the reception of our latest album – it has superseded my personal expectations, since I have never received so many positive comments from new fan s before.
Can you tell us about the meaning behind the track?
Certainly, I could tell you a story about every track on the album, but let us stick to my favourite track “Caterpillar”: This is a song about the fact that the purity and innocence of love can sometimes be so overwhelming that you struggle to believe your own emotions. The way you try to describe these feelings to yourself may sound cliched or cheesy to your own ears. However, deep down, you know that your feelings are genuine. It’s just that you haven’t experienced this kind of love before, so in the past, when you heard similar descriptions, you thought they were exaggerated or ridiculous. Now, you realize that love can indeed be intense, profound, and incredibly beautiful. As a result, you find yourself daydreaming about the person you love. However, you don’t even dare to imagine a realistic future together because it seems beyond your wildest dreams. Instead, you simply fantasize about the person, envision her face, and genuinely wish them all the luck, love, and success they deserve. Perhaps, in another lifetime, after undergoing personal growth and transformation – the “pupation” of the caterpillar – you hope that you can be together.
What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?
At the moment, we are busy in the studio recording a new album that is darker and heavier, with focus on the different expressions and manifestations of pain. We have briefly discussed putting a life set together after this album, but nothing is set in stone yet.
What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?
As mentioned above, we don’t know yet when we will be on stage again, so I honestly cannot answer that question.
What else can we expect from you in 2023?
We aim to complete the recording and mixing of our new album on the different aspects of pain, so that it can be released in early 2024.