So how has your latest album/EP gone so far with fans then?
The latest release is “Gjennom meg går ingen til hvile» from early 2022. The album saw Minneriket branching out into a new demographic by doing a lot mor orchestral arrangements than before, and as far as I’ve seen the response have been favourable. It’s challenging to create something new and different, but hard work pays off and I’m glad to see the response it got.
Tell us something about the release no one knows?
Hmm… I guess a fun fact could be that I had to sleep outside for two nights to record the sound of an owl in its natural surroundings, and when I came back into the studio the fucking owl was out of tune. Which means I had to auto-tune my owl. That’s… unusual.
If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
I have more than enough working on my own bands. I’m well on the way of writing new Minneriket material, back working with Blodsgard on our sophomore album, and doing some vocals for new Månesyke music. I’m content.
How has your latest release been received?
Minneriket haen’t released any new music / singles since the album GMGITH. It was hard to market due to the extreme censorship of todays cancel culture, where both the album artwork was banned from most sites and even Minneriket as a band got taken down much due to a cover album released some years ago.
Can you tell us about the meaning behind the track?
The album was a concept album, covering the whole calendar year and incorporating elements for nature and field-recordings from all seasons. I wanted to sum up life and death, and incorporate sounds that enhances the feelings. So it goes from bird chirping to snow and ice, bonfires and waves… Trying to tie it all together. We rise and fall and rise again.
What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?
Minneriket is a one-man band and does not perform live rituals.
What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?
Minneriket is a one-man band and does not perform live rituals.
What else can we expect from you in 2023?
I’ve completed most of the writing of a new album, and recordings are well underway. Most of the guitars and keys are done, cello is done, drums and strings are being recorded as we speak. I guess it’ll take the rest of the year to get everything ready, but hope do be able to share some new music early next year – and to show some behind-the-scenes material later this summer. Be sure to check in on minneriket.com or follow on social medias for all the latest updates.