So how has your latest album gone down so far with your fans?
So far so good. It was a painful process to give birth to this album, mostly cause of the pandemic, but we managed to have the release planned and the live effort to support it to be more or less in line with the initial expectations. We are really glad we had the opportunity to play several EU countries and UK Cities and the response was promising. We do not really fit a specific subgenre of Metal which can be good but also really bad. So far it proved to be a good thing even though it was not planned. We play what we like with no compromises and the result of this effort is reflected in our songs
Tell us something about the release no one knows?
The tools used in the artwork are real tools used by our missing friend Massy.
If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
There would be too many. We listen to so much music in different genres that is impossible to cut the choice to a single band or artist. For sure who would be chosen would need to meet not only our musical influences but also our attitude.
How has your latest release been received?
Up untill now we received really good reviews. We were curious about the reaction because as we said previously our style cannot be identified with a specific genre. People and media appreciated the truthfulness of what we put into music and this for us it’s really important because its exactly what we wanted to achieve.
Can you tell us about the meaning behind the album?
More than a track is the all Full Length Always Together. The album talks about our missing friend Massy and our feelings about him not being with us physically but at the same time being with us always spiritually. Playing it live is therapeutic.
What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?
We are completing the live effort to support the release of our first Full Length Always Together (https://open.spotify.com/artist/4CEQfQQ6l9oOaEJpuaa3co ) out pretty much everywhere via 1054 Records. After a series of club shows in Italy and a package Tour in France we will do a short tour in UK this early November (3-4-5) with No Second Chance and we will embark on a small European Run in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland and Belgium in early December (2-3-7-8-9-10). This last run of 2022 is proceeding really well, we had a blast especially in the UK, and we are really looking forward to having the chance to play in Germany, Holland and Belgium
What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?
Probably the Innocent in Hengelo, NL. It has such a history….the home of heavy music since 1985. Enough said.
What else can we expect from in 2022?
For a couple of months we have been recording some pre-productions. The new songs are surely more dark and heavy than the previous ones but at the same time they keep the same attitude. It’s a natural evolution of the 5 of us now working together for the last three years. These new songs are reflecting our common influences in a more natural way. According to what our feelings will be about the pre prods we will decide if we will hit the studio for a Full Length or for an EP, but for sure in early 2023 we will release new music.