When did the initial idea for your latest single come together?
The initial writing process for G.R.I.T. started in 2020 with the main riff, however it wasn’t working for us and we got stuck on an idea we were trying to create so it went to our “graveyard” sessions. We revisited the idea earlier in the year, switched some structure around and wrote a chorus which really brought the song together and made it what it was. We really wanted it to be like a Holy Roller situation where the riff was the hook but it just didn’t work out the way we initially thought and we are pretty stoked that it turned out the way it did with that chorus.
How would you describe the track, to a reader that is unfamiliar with the band?
It is a very fast paced, aggressively bouncy song. As we explain all metalcore to the normals it is a little yelling, a little singing and a whole lot of bounce.
Can you tell us a bit more about the meaning behind the track?
The track talks about Tim’s questioning of faith as a whole. It’s hard to believe that there is such a massive good power in the world watching over us when actual society is filled with so much hate, greed, and destruction. There is good out there but the world is just overshadowed with so much hate with some of that hate replying to people’s choices of faith or beliefs.
How would you say that the track compares to anything you’ve done before?
It’s cliche to say but this for sure is our most mature song. it is that solid turning point from us trying to find our sound in the early singles to now giving everyone a taste of what is to come from our debut LP.
What was the hardest part about putting it together, and why?
Honestly it was that initial idea that was the hardest for us. Trying something new having the instrumental being the hook instead of an actual vocal line. We are really glad to have those scrapped ideas in one session to spark some creative juices later on.
Why should a reader check out the track?
I mean if you’re a fan of the genre we think you’ll like this song. At the end of the day we create music for ourselves and it is an absolute treat when people listen and connect with our music so just go listen to it (laughs).
What else can you tell us about the track, that we haven’t covered in this interview?
Outside of our lofi rendition of our single Rue this is the first song where we actually showcase clean singing, so it was kind of a big deal for us to showcase a slightly different side of the band.
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