When did the initial idea for the track ‘Asian Blood’ come together?
TGC: I think around my birthday! I brewing something that would talk about getting old. Although, I am not one to be scared of getting old per se, It is more the concept of not having control over time passing by while you have so much you want to do in life! If that makes sense…
How would describe the track, to a reader that is unfamiliar with the band?
TGC: ‘Asian Blood’ was specifically inspired by the Riot Grrrl movement. There were a couple of reasons why I wanted to write with the genre in mind. I was working with 17-year-old artist SOFY ( @sofiasreality ) on a couple of merch ideas. (Please check out her Instagram as I think that she is really really talented! ) I mentioned to her The Riot Grrrl movement as an example of “vibe”. I could tell that she did not know what I was talking about so I invited her to check it out. Then I realized that the new generation, unless interested in female rock music, will probably never hear about what those women and bands did in the 90s, and that really blew my mind! So the music is definitely inspired by female bands from that time, and the lyrics are definitely a topic that fit the movement as well. So if you are unfamiliar with the band, ‘Asian Blood’ is a dedication to the women who paved the way for artists like us today. Even if I talk about how I feel about time, and getting old, I also wanted to point out the fact that the entertainment industry puts a lot of pressure on artists to stay and look young.
Can you tell us a bit more about the meaning behind the track?
TGC: There is a little bit of sarcasm in a way that I am scared of the inevitable. I can’t do anything about time… but also what triggers that fear is the fact that the industry is … well.. cruel! lol! You hear people talk about other women ” she looks old” and whatnot… I always find that judgment and ageism shocking. A lot of very talented women, at the age of 27 are considered too old for the music business. Just saying…
How would you say that the track compares to anything you’ve done before?
TGC: I have written angry, 2 minutes songs in the past.
What was the hardest part about putting it together, and why?
TGC: The hardest part actually was to fit the vocals. I am not used to sing “so fast” . For the second verse, I had in mind something very specific that Riot Grrrl bands do, that is kind of like talk/scream but I think because English is my second language and because I am not used to that kind of pace anyway, it was a bit hard for me to do exactly what I had in mind. Outside of that, I am pretty happy with the result and I am really hoping that it will invite new generations to check out the REAL Riot Grrrl bands!
Why should a reader check out the track, and why?
TGC: Curiosity… and it is just 2 minutes I think that a reader should check out the music video, and see the work of Glendon & Isabella. They were pretty inspired by the song and I love all the metaphors that they used! See if you can spot them
What else can you tell us about the track, that we haven’t covered in this interview?
TGC: The artwork is from Angie Joseph. The song was recorded by Jason Orme (Alanis Morissette) and mixed by Norm Block (L7). It is the first song that we are releasing from the new album, much more fun stuff to come!