The mighty 2000trees Festival has announced a host of new bands this week, with their annual ‘7 Days Of Trees’.A band a day has been announced since Feb 23rd through to today, March 1st, each day a different band with a different media platform. The bands will be joining HeadlinersJimmy Eat World, Thrice, Turnstile and IDLES.The 7 acts announced are:
London grunge metal band Puppy – Via Kerrang!
Psychedelic scuzz pop 3 piece Calva Louise – Via When The Horn Blows
Northern noisemakers Strange Bones – Via Rock Sound
Sharp edged dream-pop Californians The Regrettes – Via Rolling Stone UK
90’s influenced wall of sound rockers Sick Joy – Via Upset
Good time garage punk band Gloo – Via Giggoer
Goth pop superstars Creeper – Via NME
The final 2022 band announcement will be released very soon, and it is another BIG one, so stay tuned – TICKET LINK