So, we have stepped out of Christmas and are well into the New Year, here’s hoping everyone is as well as they can be despite the continued maelstrom we find ourselves swirling around in. Today I bring you a little musical intervention, if you will, a change from the mad Thrashing about I normally engage in. A song called ‘Energy’ appeared in my inbox a while back, at the time I was incapacitated by two bouts of flu, and no energy whatsoever. Having dragged my weary bones out of the abyss and feeling a bit sprightlier I present to you Mr Mike Milan Dedic, who with his friends Brian Latimer on drums and Dearian Seepersad on keyboards, are the brains and bodies behind this track.
There are no words here, none needed as the intensity and passion that resides in their hearts, is visible on their faces. The composition embodies everything that is hard work, resilience, determination and belief.
Beginning with a solid introduction, moving swiftly, like a flick of the wrist into a well-structured piece that proceeds unwavering and unafraid. The music rings in the New Year with a vibe of positivity and a cleansing of the body, mind and soul. There is a tangible fire and fervour, which substantiates the place music has in our lives, Mike and the band here have the creativity that changes the dynamic in Rock and gives the listener a different aspect and outlook. The video gives us close up shots that affirm the dexterity and skills, switching between the bass and guitars without flinching, there is a vividness and a confidence in their abilities.
If you fancy something new then this is for you, up and at ‘em with a renewed ‘Energy’ courtesy of Mike Milan Dedic. Enjoy!
Azra Pathan
Mike Milan Dedic – Energy out now.