Photo by Dave Chance
When did you first realise that COVID-19 was going to have an effect on your band?
Well, to be honest… it didn’t really have much an effect on our band at all. We missed on a few rehearsal during 2020. However, in all, if anything, it gave us more time to prepare songs for future live shows.
Initially, what was that whole situation like, and how did your band overcome/react to it?
Well… we just went with it. But as I said before it didn’t really affect us that much. We live in Townsville North Queensland Australia. A very tropical part of the world. I don’t think we had any cases here. So, all in all…. There was nothing for us really to overcome. We do play live shows, but we don’t rely on making an income from it or anything.
How has your creative process changed as a band over the last couple of months?
I think we are becoming more of a whole. With everyone contributing idea’s together. Originally when the band started it was just myself, (James), bringing forth the idea’s and songs. Now, everyone sort of bring an idea or a song to the band.
What’s been the hardest part about writing/doing music this way?
Actually if anything, it has made the process a lot easier. I think it’s great that everyone contributes.
What bands/artists have you been listening to over the last couple of months?
To name two, Australia ones, it would have to be Gang of Youths and James Tyne Organ.
So, what do you think you’ve learnt the most from being a band through COVID-19?
I’ve learnt that Age of Empires is a still damn great game, that holds up to the reputation from cereal box days.
What kind of effect do you think that it’s had on the music industry all together, and how excited are you to see it return to normal?
Obviously it has affected a lot of people, who rely on live performances for an income. But it also has affected the world in the fact that people haven’t had much of an opportunity to go see live music again.
What tips/advice would you like to give to other bands who are also going through this?
Just keeping playing, you do it because you love it, not because it some business enterprise..