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Interview: Thrillhouse talk latest single ‘Just At The Right Time’

Thrillhouse returned with their latest single ‘Just At The Right Time’ last week. A little love letter to anyone that comes along and helps you out in a time of need.

Brighton based, alt-indie band Thrillhouse live in the past. Born into the wrong generation, struggling with the delicate routine of a wholesome, balanced life they tend to stick to their bedrooms where they sometimes write music but sometimes don’t.

Thrillhouse are purveyors of sincerity cushioned in good humour. The lyrics convey a sense of personal struggle that is joyfully balanced with melodic and layered production, pushed forward by driving beats and ecstatic hooks.

Recorded entirely at home. Mixed at The Silk Mill, ‘Just At The Right Time’ is out now! We caught up with the band before the release as they talk about the single and more!

So how much are you looking forward to sharing your new single ‘Just At The Right Time’ with fans?

Very much so. Though, I’m not sure you could say we had ‘fans’ as such, but I am looking forward to forcing it upon the poor suckers in my life that feel obliged to listen. Mum, dad, sister, old school friends etc.

Can you tell us something about the single no one else knows?

errm…If you play it backwards it summons a god forsaken, blood-curdling creature and or demon from the deepest pit of hell, Tartarus, to rain destruction and terror down upon the land… That’s not true, I doubt it does that. But it was written on Christmas day before I hopped aboard the ol’ Xmas booze train. A few people know that actually but it’s the best I could think of.

What was your favourite moment making this single?

Finishing it. It’d been kicking around for aaages. It nearly found its way into the bin a few times so finishing it felt like defeating an old adversary.

Will you be releasing an EP or album this year?

Ah, we’d love to. I think we’re gonna hold off a little bit though. Just until we reckon we can shift some records to people outside of my immediate family. But yea, plan is to one day put an album together, just don’t want to rush it.

How has lockdown been treating you in the last year or so, did you ever lose motivation?

So so. It’s given us a chance to focus on writing which has been great, but everything else has been pretty rubbish. Would have been nice to play a gig or two but that’s the way the cookie crumbles, I s’pose. Motiviation’s been a struggle, I spend half my time asking myself, often out loud, ‘what’s the point?’. I’ve been trying to write some lyrics for the last couple of days and all I’ve managed to come up with is a couple of cat doodles and lots of ‘to do’ lists. And as useful as those things are, I’d much prefer to have written some words. On a more positive note, it’s meant to be nice and sunny outside tomorrow.

Will you be touring at all this year if things work out?

That’s the plan! We’ve just sorted our first one out for Brighton. It’s not been announced yet so that’s all I can give ya sorry. Really looking forward to it. Will be nice to have something to bother putting some trousers on for, for once.

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?

Erm, tough one. Prince and Bowie are dead so that rules them out. Maybe Phoebe Bridgers? I don’t think there’s a better songwriter around at the mo. Or mebs Billy Nomates. Her album was my fav last year by a country mile. If you could help broker a songwriting session, I’d be mightily grateful. But no worries if not.

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