Lockdown Interview: Ask Carol

When did you first realise that COVID-19 was going to have an effect on your band?

Well, that was the day the government had their first press conference saying we all had to stay home, no travels, no concerts or anything for the next few weeks. We didn’t know then, but weeks turned to months, and months turned to (currently) over a year. We knew it would have an effect on us as a band, and the whole music industry, that day, but how much and how big that effect would be became gradually clearer over the next months.

Initially, what was that whole situation like, and how did your band overcome/react to it?

In the beginning we were very lucky that both of us in the band where in the same location, in our studio. Fortunately our studio is naturally isolated, in the Norwegian wood, up in the mountains. Most of our music equipment was there, and we could continue working. When it became clear that this would last for a while, we tried to make the most of it and just make the stuff we could. For example we started learning how to make and edit videos, and released several music videos last year, just learning as we go.

Here is the music video for «Run With You», which we made in April last year, during the first lockdown: https://youtu.be/xNiZL5cNEnE

How has your creative process changed as a band over the last couple of months?

One thing that we had already kind of started doing, that was very practical, is that we had already started producing music ourselves, learning how to mix, produce and record in our own Ask Carol studio. That came in very handy when the world locked down in March last year. We continued learning how to do it ourselves, and in addition to the music part, we started learning video making and animation. We like to make all kinds of stuff, not just music. We also designed some more merch.

What’s been the hardest part about writing/doing music this way?

The hardest part must be not going crazy when staying in the same room all day over such a long time. It is great to be naturally isolated in our studio, it has so many positive sides, but the catch is that there is nothing around here. No people, no stores, nothing. Usually, that is no problem, but sometimes it can become a little frustrating, hehe.

What bands/artists have you been listening to over the last couple of months?

As a duo ourselves, we are always looking for other cool duos to listen to, and possible connect with. A few duos we have found and listened a bit to is KOLARS, Royal Blood, and lately a bit of Black Keys, as they’re coming out with a new album soon.

So, what do you think you’ve learnt the most from being a band through COVID-19?

We have learned that it is possible to do a lot of stuff ourselves. If you just give it time, and take the time to actually learn stuff, there are lots of things you can do. For example, we had never done any animation, or lyric videos for that matter, but after an intense week of working, reading and watching tutorials almost 24/7 every day, we made our first (kind of) animation movie, the «Do It in LA» lyric video.

Here is the Lyric video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/WTOJP_yaF24

What kind of effect do you think that it’s had on the music industry all together, and how excited are you to see it return to normal?

Because of all the concert and tour cancellations many people lost a lot of money, and most of us have had to think a bit differently. That goes for small, new bands, like us, and big, famous bands and record companies as well. Where the big companies and artists have capital backing them up, many small artists don’t. Hopefully they will survive, but I’ve heard of some who had to get other jobs during this last year. With no live music happening, many music venues are also struggling. Music venues are very important to the whole music business, and it’s especially important to save the independent ones (those who are left). When this pandemic settles down a little bit, and things finally return to some sort of normal, there will (probably) be a big boom in concerts and live music. People have been starved of live music and culture for over a year, so there is great opportunity here. Hopefully we can make a better normal after the pandemic, than the normal that was before the pandemic, together.

What tips/advice would you like to give to other bands who are also going through this?

Keep on working and playing, and don’t give up. That’s the most important thing, don’t give up.

‘Darkest Hour’ music video: https://youtu.be/1O1uWrwT2_o

‘Darkest Hour’ Streaming links: https://fanlink.to/darkesthour

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/askcarol