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Interview: Sunkin

So how has your latest album/EP gone so far with fans then?

Pretty good, it still feels incredible that so many people around the world are listening and connecting to such a personal song that I wrote three years ago in my parent’s kitchen. 

Tell us something about the release no one knows?

When recording the track I could hear a Mellotron in my head playing over the verses chord progression. The Mellotron is an electro-mechanical musical instrument developed in 1963. You’d recognise it on tracks such as Strawberry Fields, The Rain Song, and Nights in White Satin. Not being able to tracks one down I spent a long time finding good samples to download and we ended up using in on the song. 

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?

Right now I’m into the ‘Middle Kids’ new album ‘Today we’re the Greatest. They fit so much artistry and musical nuance into the shell of a pop song. I respect that, and that’s why I’d love to work with them. 

How has your latest release been received?

We’re so grateful to all the people that have messaged us to tell us how they’ve connected to the song. And that, for me is the most rewarding part. 

Can you tell us about the meaning behind the track?

‘Short and Sweet’ tells a heartfelt story of a past relationship. In keeping with the transatlantic theme of our first single ‘The Pond’, ‘Short and Sweet’ retrospectively describes the emotional trials and tribulations of attempting to let the relationship go. Originally written as a love letter, it was reluctantly made into a song. Having found that It connected to our live audiences the decision was made to release it as our second single.

What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?

Sadly we have no shows booked in yet due to Covid-19 but we can wait to get our there playing as soon as possible. 

What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?

After a year sparse from live music we don’t feel too picky but our dream venues to play would be Omeara, Shepherd’s Bush Empire, Union Chapel, and Olso.

What else can we expect from in 2021?

First and foremost we want to get back out there playing lots of shows and meeting great people. We aim to release a couple of singles, maybe a video. Just everything we can cram in! 



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