Looking for a short, chilling, and intense set of songs to leap you off your seat this spring? Award winning band, Saint Agnes have managed to create the perfect compilation for you, with their brand-new mini album, “Vampire.” The mini album is lead vocals and guitarist, Kitty Austen’s latest and most proud work and is out now through the band’s own label ‘Death or Glory Gang Records’.
With the band previously doing what they love, creating music, during last year’s lockdown, they have certainly pulled through in creating this masterpiece, with the album evidently implementing their main and profound genre of music, hard rock. There is no waiting around with the music, you are immediately taken to another dimension, with the intention of a spooky haunted mansion setting, you will stay there for the entirety of the album.
There is a certain sense of resentment towards someone in songs such as ‘Repent’ and ‘World ain’t big enough.’ With the implemented genre of hard rock alongside gothic featured piano and guitar solos, the band certainly are not messing around in displaying this anger and resentment.
The intelligence of ‘Vampire’ is apparent, with the use of musical interludes called ‘Psalms’ throughout. These interrupt each song with a muse almost, often speeches and eerie instrumentals, it will certainly get you thinking about various themes and topics, such as the general meaning of life itself, you are left with your thoughts. Nobody is ever quite sure what the band are going to do next, with this brilliant production of an album, the uncertainty is thrilling, running nicely with the genre of Saint Agnes’s music. Saint Agnes like to keep you on your toes, and nobody is ever quite sure what they are going to do next. There is a certain fire about the mini album, and it will not burn out.