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Lockdown Interview: Tarah Who?

When did you first realise that COVID-19 was going to have an effect on your band?

CH : At the beginning of the pandemic actually !! We were supposed to go on tour in March and everything got canceled.TGC: Yeah, it was a bummer.. Little by little, we were canceling shows. Some promoters understood right away, other promoters were a little upset, because they either were not touched by it in their area (yet) or did not want to follow the rules so they thought that we were being flaky. When the lockdown was national, everyone came around and asked if we wanted to play the show on social media. 

Initially, what was that whole situation like, and how did your band overcome/react to it?

TGC: I used that time to work on our new album that we are releasing in April. I wrote a bunch of songs and made demos that I sent over to Coralie. We worked on them with our producer via Zoom. We met for one weekend to record the whole album, keeping our masks on and a social distance. It was the weirdest thing. We had not played the songs live once, we were just relying on the other to have learned their part!

How has your creative process changed as a band over the last couple of months?

CH : We actually recorded an album at the end of 2020. We never rehearsed the songs together prior to the studio, which we always, normally do. We sent each other videos and audio back and forth and were crossing our fingers that it will go smooth in the studio and it did !! It was awesome !!TGC: For the promotion of the songs that we are releasing, we have been working via zoom again, trying to figure out a way to perform or give a live performance on social media and connect with our fans. It’s hard because nothing is really made for that. We experience a lot of latency etc… eventually, we will figure something out! 

What’s been the hardest part about writing/doing music this way?

TGC: I like to try things out, and make sure that we are ready by the time we are at the studio so that we don’t waste ANY time! every second count when you are recording so I was really stressed out. I kept doubting myself I would not remember what I had to play and I have to record the guitars, bass, vocals, and other percussion ideas and theremin. All in one weekend!

What bands/artists have you been listening to over the last couple of months?

CH : I have been listening to Ad Infinitum, Cyhra and Ghost a lot !!TGC: When I write I usually don’t listen to music, or only listen to the opposite of what we do so I don’t get influenced. So I have been listening to a lot of country and pop music! ha! Then I listen to Tarah Who? to make sure that everything that we do is still in the same vibe, and that it is still us. Also, we have been mixing and mastering with Jason Orme and Jesse Cannon so I have just been listening to the new album, and checking everything out! It might sound a little weird, but because I have to approve of the mix, master, music videos, etc.. I have to listen to our songs over and over again! lol! Also, because we don’t practice like we used to, I just practice in my studio at home, to make sure I don’t forget, and so that I am still always “ready” if we are offered to play …I don’t know a show, a live stream1 anything! haha!

So, what do you think you’ve learnt the most from being a band through COVID-19?

CH : Continue no matter what !! You just have to get creative and find new ways that work with the situation you are dealing with.TGC: Exactly! you have to be creative and not let anything stop you, even a pandemic! Utilize, this time for something else. We didn’t tour, but we focused on our social presence and music videos. Also, despite the fact that Coralie and I can’t see each other, it was important to stay “close” in this situation. Making sure that Coralie is still moticvated and showing her that things were still happening even if she didn’t feel like it did because we were not rehearsing. Luckily everything has been working as planned so far, and we have been busy with interviews and working on our recording and music videos. 🙂 

What kind of effect do you think that it’s had on the music industry all together, and how excited are you to see it return to normal?

TGC: I think that it has made artists more creative than ever. Coming up with new ways of getting busy and releasing music. I am super excited to return to live performance but I don’t know if we can say that it will return to normal. 🙂 was it ever? 😉 

What tips/advice would you like to give to other bands who are also going through this?

CH : Continue writing music and don’t stop.TGC: Now is the time to be bold and think outside of the box! Use it! don’t give up! Take this as a challenge. 🙂