So how has your latest album/EP gone so far with fans then?
Obviously we couldn’t gig this one, which is a shame cos it’s a great song to play live, and putting a single out and not being able to promote it on the road is really strange, but that’s where we are at the moment. Mat Leppanen at Animal Farm engineered and mixed this one and he did a great job. It’s got a great feel to it. We’ve had some nice messages on the socials, and it’s been streamed a good few times; just can’t wait to get out and play it.
If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
For me, it’d have to be Noel Gallagher. I’d love to write and record with him. I was 14 when Definitely Maybe was released, so I grew up listening to Oasis. Johnny Flynn’s a great song writer too, I’d love to do something with him. I love the earthiness of his music.
How has your latest release been received?
Aright, I think. It’s hard tell, not being able to go out and gig makes it difficult to know. We love playing together, we’re our biggest fans, for sure. We’re not looking for anything other than a good time. That said, I do get a huge buzz out of people loving the band, cos I’m a massive narcissist when it comes to the band, and I crave the love, who doesn’t like compliments? All artists are attention seekers, on some level. Not in an ugly way, but we’re all looking for something, acceptance, or whatever. I’m not too fussed about it really, so long as we’re happy and get a kick out of doing it, that’s what important.
Can you tell us about the meaning behind the track?
I’m a big Elliott Smith fan. His music’s been hugely important to me over the years, and when I wrote this one I’d been listening to Figure 8 (Elliott Smith’s 5th studio album), and while Still Waiting is a simple song, I think it’s got a bit of Elliott Smith to it, his poppy’er stuff anyway. The piano and guitars follow each other, and it’s quite a sunny sounding song, but lyrically quite dark. There’s a little nod to Elliott just before the second verse. I wasn’t sure if anyone would spot it, but a friend did. That made my day.
What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?
We’re gearing up to stream a live full-band performance, just as soon as we can. We were all set to go and do it at New Year, but then the restrictions hit and we had to put it on hold. We’ll do that when we can. We’ll be back out playing live at some point…
What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?
To be honest, I don’t really care about the venue. It’s the crowd that make for a good show. It’s all about the crowd. If we get a good bunch of people in, and we play well, we can have the best of nights. One place we do like to play is The Winchester Gate, a music venue in Salisbury, run by some friends of ours. That’s always a good night, cos we get to play to our friends and family, and the promoter doesn’t stiff anyone on the door.
What else can we expect from in 2021?
We’ve got a new single out on 12 February, and we’ll play the live stream show as soon as we can get everyone back together. We’ll spend a bit of time in the studio, and hopefully just get to play and hang out together.