The Sad Song Co. – ie multi-instrumentalist Nigel Powell – is back with this fifth solo outing, a finely and elegantly produced slice of Pop/Prog, or “Proggy Pop?”, that qualifies as good company while it lasts even if little of it is in any way remarkable.
Tracks one, five and 11 (closer Sine Qua Non) are closely-linked instrumentals which give Saudade a spine, structure and recurring themes while declaring and defining the project’s part electric, part acoustic character.
Away Until Christmas Morning, like a lot of the album, contains some lovely piano riffs but then outstays its welcome, while the politically-minded Feeding ups the experimental soundscaping to no great effect. The slowbuilding then resolute Lighthouse is probably best, with piano again to the fore. Where does the prog come in? Well, it’s prog like Radiohead rather than prog like Genesis, even if the voice sounds at times like a more plaintive Peter Gabriel.
“Saudade” is apparently defined as “a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone …” and so on. Not that all is bittersweet, or gloomy – the lively Hold shivers and shakes nicely as the rumbling bass drops anchor and the timely Deserted By Every God grips as it aspires towards a right good crescendo. There is, though, a generally downbeat feel and, personally, I’ve found in these still locked down times that more “in your face” music does the cathartic trick (Doom Metal is perfect, just as horror movies seem to “work” right now). But Saudade tries hard, with at least some success, to prove “melancholic” is a valid way to go as we all naturally consider our sad longing for sweet pleasures now past. Rock on? Long on! (not a gratuitous cricket reference, honest).
Experienced multi-instrumentalist Powell (formerly drummer with Frank Turner And The Sleeping Souls) wrote, recorded, played and mixed the album in its entirety and is obviously a talent with lots of music still to come.
By Callum Reid
The Sad Song Co. – Saudade is out January 22.