When did you first realise that covid 19 was going to have an effect on your band?
It hit straight away, I run a record shop SPIRAL ARCHIVE that went immediately into lockdown at the end of March quickly followed by my dj,promoted gigs and band gigs were cancelled instantly.A shock as i went from having an income to nothing overnight…still battling with this fallout still.
Initially what was that whole situation like and how did your band over come/react to it?
My first thought was I have to make an income of some sort,so switched to selling online as for the band there wasn’t anything we coluld do.I had a release coming out we debated wether to push back the release date but decided to go ahead anyway.
What’s the hardest part about writing/doing music this way?
I guess the biggest thing is to find the motivation to do anything,we rehearse the set if were playing live,not much point until thers gigs again.Recently been working on new material and getting used to the set again.getting prepared to get out and play in 2021…
What bands and artists have you been listening to over the last couple of months?
Been listening to Radio 6,also been involved in a magazine and radio show called PULSE which has quite an eclectic music output.
So what do you think you’ve learnt the most from being a band through covid 19?
Music is such an important part of life in general.
What kind of effect do you think that its had on the music industry all together and how excited are you to see it return to normal?
Devastating,its going a be hard slog getting things going again,but one i want to get started on as soon as possible.
What tips/advice would you like to give other bands who are also going through this?
They have my sympathy as we all need to pay bills,be prepared to be back in action again…