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Live Review: Fozzy – Capturing Judas Global Livestream 14th November from Madison Studios in Atlanta Georgia

Judas My Guide

Fozzy, now there’s a name that conjures up the cuddly wuddly bear from The Muppets, but hear ye my friends, you will find no muppets or puppets here, instead you have a champion wrestler who  is now the singer in the band of the same name. To his credit, Chris Jericho has attained many awards and titles, he has transferred the showmanship to music, and the level of skill and passion is glaringly obvious. He brings all the glamour and razzmatazz of the wrestling world to the international Rock arena. He’s a useful person to have on side, especially when you need to call on him to apply an armbar on someone. 

We are of course in lockdown, as with other artists Fozzy are venturing into the world of livestreaming and are we in for a treat. There is news of a new album due for release in 2021, but for now we revel in the tour cycle for their 2017 banger ‘Judas’ and they will have you swinging from the chandeliers in no time. We start with a short film ‘Fozzy Across America’ about their world record three gigs, three places, three different time zones all on the same day, a world first for a Rock ‘n Roll band, handled with professionalism and integrity. 

We then find the artist in his natural habitat, a recording studio, as we witness and celebrate everything we see and don’t see about how music is made. The mood is convivial as Chris and crew recollect their experiences over the years and regale funny little anecdotes in between the songs. We are encouraged to take part, so I sit punching the air furiously, high- fiving the laptop, and extending my hand for Chris to hold (sobs quietly…) as they deliver a masterful set  that summarises a stellar career. Brimming with tasty hooks and grooves, it is time to get smitten kittens and bitten on the ass by these songs that sneak up on you when you are least expecting. Musicians have missed their normal rehearsing times due to lockdown, so here is a golden opportunity for them to get together and do what they do best. 

We take a little detour with ‘Burn Me Out’ which is not usually on the setlist; when you have a sizeable body of work you have to pick and choose what to play. On this issue we have some insight and explanation as to how these decisions are made. It is an amazing show, informative and entertaining, and bassist PJ used my bathroom ( he did, honest….).

The mega ballad ‘Painless’ is a hefty slab of concrete dropped on the heartbroken as they plead ‘do you love me enough, to finish me off’, they’re not leaving anything to chance are they. 

 We congregate in an ‘Elevator with ‘One Crazed Anarchist’ but don’t worry my friends we will shortly be ‘Drinkin’ With Jesus’ and trying to keep the ‘Wolves At Bay’, meanwhile let’s keep the wheels turning on this one night ride. They close with ‘Judas’ a tub-thumping, kneecap busting number from the band ‘too sweet to be sour’ much needed as I am up at the most ungodly hour.

Head over to to buy your tickets as this event will be available until 29th November to view on demand. Yeehaw!

Get on it my friends, this is one time you want to get in the ring!

Fozzy – Capturing Judas Global Livestream 14th November from Madison Studios in Atlanta Georgia.

Dedicated to the memory of Edward Van Halen RIP.