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Single Review: Y!KES – Step Away

Blackpool Or Bust!

Hello everyone, I’m here again with another sonically charged adventure with my friends Y!KES, the awesome foursome from Brum as they present their latest single ‘Step Away’ taken from the EP ‘Mass!ve’ released in August. They have been extremely busy this year, and now we find our heroes bright eyed and bushy-tailed in Blackpool, oop north for those that are geographically challenged. Luckily, they captured a fun-filled day in glorious Technicolour- that was just the outfits- as the sun shone down on their antics. The song is quite dreamy and floaty, it meanders with grace and delicately wraps itself around your throat. Oli is a great leader, exuding all the qualities to keep your attention, he sways and struts on demand, his features and body language matching the song note for note. It has a mind-bogglingly exquisite introduction and some very cute, neat riffage at 2.32 that lifts us at this dreary time, it is refreshing like a glass of something cool and bubbly, and fizzes on your tongue like sherbet, liquorice sticks at the ready, and dive in folks. It’s time to get your likes with Y!KES! A tale of two cities, as they perform a socially distanced gig in Manchester, despite interference from a dastardly invader. It’s a stroll on the shoreline with the sea breeze in your hair, soak it up my friends, let the music whisk you away to a better time.

For those not familiar with their work, these fellas recorded a short but blistering set, catch it here    and it is enough to give you a whooping six ways from Sunday!

 If you’re standing on the edge of insanity my friends, step away!

Y!KES – Step Away  out now via self-release.

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