EP Review: Upon A Burning Body – Built From War

Battleship Chains.

My friends we are in an extremely sorry state right now, in and out of lockdown, wear or not wear a mask, see family or not see family, the list of chaos is endless. It is shaping up to be a battle ladies and gents and for that we need an anthem. Well thank fuck that our Texan cousins have arrived with ‘Built From War’ a five- piece arsenal poised to strike at a moments notice. Fear not my friends you are in safe hands with this outfit, as bold as they come and bulldozing their way through the craziness.
They take a much- deserved dig at modern technology and how are all trapped by ‘5×3’ syndrome. Forever glued to our devices, craving the clickety-clicks, eagerly anticipating the ‘likes’ and then coming unstuck when no-one ‘likes’ you. The lyric ‘the higher your head gets, the faster you’ll drop’ is exactly the scenario that we aspire to, the drop however is not so welcoming. The title track next tells us that ‘ to rise we must fall’ never a truer word has been spoken folks, as we tough it out in this ravaged world. The chorus you have all been waiting for is found in ‘Chains Of Agony’ hugely anthemic, sustaining and satiating the most robust of appetites. That guitar solo at 2.11 is to die for, gently sweeping into the bridge, and bringing a sense of belonging to the fore. Musically this is typical of the metalcore genre, however it has a precision and clarity of voice that sets it apart. Danny Leal is a grandmaster with the mic and then Ruben Alvarez and Joe Antonellis with neat little licks and tricks with the guitar and bass, leaving drummer Tito Felix to bring up the rear with brutish beats that won’t be silenced.
A song for those who suffer the daily grind for pennies is up next as we are all ‘Living For The Weekend’ a time to take a well- earned rest and relax with friends and family. We end this thirst quenching quintet with ‘Extermination’ a power surge race to the finish, and erm… excuse me while I gather the remnants of my desiccated carcass.
Now, if you’re sitting comfortably, then I’ll begin,
‘Once upon a burning body….’

Upon A Burning Body – Built From War EP out now via Seek & Strike Records.