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EP Review: Calva Louise ‘Popurri’

Calva Louise have just released one of their most ambitious EP’s to date, ‘Popurri’. 

‘Popurri’ sees Calva Louise pulling the threads of varying genres and sounds, weaving them into a whole new dimension of unquestionable versatility and energy. 

The range of, indie, dark pop, electronica and punk is living jumble of genres; a pick n mix of sounds which blend so perfectly together that you never even question their relativity. 

It is clear that nothing is out of bounds for Calva Louise, with their lack of a definite genre working to their advantage to create the ‘Popurri’ EP and the three tracks of pure power, electricity and grit. 

‘Camino’ jumpstarts the EP through a quick pulse in energy, exploring an array of sound throughout the track. Draping over the sound, the vocals add another element of sass and undeniably unique identity that many bands struggle to find. 

‘I Wish’ is not dissimilar, bringing the pull of the electric backbeat into the room and tugging on you to dance along with the natural course of the song. 

‘Pop(urri)’, the title track, also fulfils its purpose is showcasing the bands diversity with both English and Spanish vocals featuring over the crashing drums and whirling electronic riffs. 

Band member Jess said on the EP, “It’s often a bit of a challenge to explain our identity as a whole – we are a medley of cultures that can bring out the best in each other, creating something different. 

“That’s what ‘Pop(urrí)’ is all about, the acceptance of our identity and that it is alright to feel different, we don’t need to belong somewhere to be somebody.”

The control over their own image and acceptance of the unordinary springboards Calva Louise away from anything generic and into their own world of uncontrollable talent and ability. 

It makes the band work amazingly together as a group, creating tracks that cover an impressive spectrum of genes and tastes.

The EP was released on the 31st July and is available on streaming sites, follow the link to listen!