So how has your latest album/EP gone so far with fans then?
Cut On A Cut was released on 19th June and it’s gone down like a spoon
of honey…smooth and sweet but not overly so, and like honey, I hope it
never gets old. People really dig it eh. Promise Cross Your Heart
went to No 1 on IT’s Top 40 chart so that was a first for me. Well a
double first…1st on the chart and the first time having a No 1 hahah
Tell us something about the release no one knows?
Well the record was made right in the middle of the Coronavirus
outbreak. I’d taken a year off my day job in Perth Australia to head
to the bright lights of London, catch up with Cameron Hayes (Lead
guitarist who I’ve worked with for a few years now) and test my wears
against all the up and coming artists. I mean, what better place to
see where you’re at than in a major centre for music. I wasn’t fazed
either, I thought I had some good horses in my stable. What could
possible go tits up…Boom.. Covid -19 hit the shelves before I did. I
had to bail back to Australia cause the music scene died and we
finished off the record between The Animal Farm studios in London and
me in a studio in Perth….the wonders of modern technology eh
If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?
Mmmmhhh, to be honest, I’m a bit of a lone wolf when it comes to
writing and I don’t really get all these collaborations or people
writing for other people or any of that shit – have a bit of
self-respect I say. I mean, you never see 2 artists going at the same
canvass, do ya? They’d just get in each others way. I feel that the
song must come from inside your own perspective. That’s the one true
thing that you can be sure of, is your own view without being clouded
by anyone, or else your own feelings are going to get diluted and I
think that the listener will pick up on that whether they’re aware of
it or not. So keep it pure.
How has your latest release been received?
Cut On A Cut, It’s been very well received by those who’ve known me as
well as those who haven’t. The record has a lot of different aspects
to it and I every song offers some different story, so if you’re into
stories you won’t get bored. I’m pretty pumped about Promise Cross
Your Heart going to number 1 on IT’s Indi chart so hopefully one or
two more can follow its lead.
Can you tell us about the meaning behind the track?
OK, I choose Life In Technicolour for this one. And Technicolour is
spelt with a ‘u’ so not the American way. I know someone who has
suffered mental issues for a long time now. They have had to take
Lithium to keep them from flipping out. Problem is when they take Li
it makes the whole world look grey and drab. But without it, life
looks like a technicolour movie.
What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?
Oh I’d great plans for 2020, heading off to London to record with The
Animal Farm and I’d all these shows lines up in UK and Ireland but
then the pandemic broke out and all the shows got cancelled. I’m back
in Australia now and even though the local WA music scene has opened
back up, there’s interstate border closures as well as international
border closures so touring is on the back burner for now. As you can
imagine promoters aren’t taking any risks with bookings and that until
all this blows over so it’s a bit of a waiting game for now.
What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?
I had a show lined up at Whelan’s Pub in Dublin. Whelan’s is Irelands
Whisky A Go Go so to play there wold have been a great honour for me.
When I started writing and pursuing this I never thought I’d get a
billing at Whelan’s. If you build it he will come!! Get off the couch
folks, turn off the TV and get cracking cause time is slipping by.
Hopefully there’ll be a next time!! C’mon you nerds, somebody get a
vaccine already!!!!
What else can we expect from in 2020?
Mmmmh, marketing Cut On A cut is talking up a lot of my time right now
and this is the first record that I’ve really spent a time on
marketing. I’m taking marketing way more seriously this time and
trying to build a strategy with FB advertising etc. So I do have a
plan to release a new single called Panda Eyed Princess which is about
prostitution, get an insta influencer to star in it and get to their
audience. And here’s a world first lyric release. Hey good chatting to
you and good luck!!