High Five!
Hello, my friends, hope you are keeping well as we ease ourselves out of isolation because I’d like you to meet High Visions, a DIY speedster punk outfit who began their career in a toilet. I kid you not, these fellas are forward thinking, not to let any opportunity pass them by. They delve into the murky world of Imposter Syndrome, a psychological problem, where the affected are afraid of failing, and they lack confidence in their abilities. I suppose the flipside is that you are actually aware of your limitations and therefore have left room to learn and grow. The condition, however, is distressing and debilitating as the anguish allows for depression and darkness to set in.
The EP is five full on feisty tracks that ram themselves down your throat and force you to make space for them in your warm and cosy abdominal regions. First, we have the defeatist ‘When I’m Dead Just Throw Me In the Trash’ you can laugh but it shows how life has become valueless, we all die, so get over it attitude. This short sharp shock takes me right back to the days B. C. ( before Creeper) when OTDH gave us ‘Draper’ and also the transformation into Creeper circa ‘VCR’ a glossed up, lost love outing, precise in its execution, scathing in its content. Second in command is ‘Checkpoint Charlie’ (Elvis Costello anyone?) and we have another slice of meticulously engineered punk/emo attitude and charm.
We have a nifty little love song in ‘Anywhere/ Anyone’ with the cutesy line ‘you could be anywhere with anyone but you chose me’ everybody say ‘aww’ and the luscious harmonies at the end make this a tingle on your taste buds experience.
A perceptive entry next in ‘Isolated, Unstable, Disillusioned’ which sums up the feelings of an entire nation at this time. It’s a make or break scenario for us all.
We finally find ‘My True North’ and are saved by a caring soul who will put us on the right path. The musicianship feels quite edgy at times, but then scoops you up to share it’s wonderous glow and sensitive, attentive words.
Let’s get a high five here my friends and see the imposter out the door.
High Visions – A First Date With Imposter Syndrome out now via INiiT Records