EP Review: No Murder No Moustache – Hold My Beer

Folk punk musician No Murder No Moustache is releasing his EP ‘Hold My Beer’ on 26th June! This is a really unique listen with mesmerising acoustics. Despite the slightly niche mix of genres it’s a catchy and well executed EP. 

It begins with title track ‘Hold My Beer’. This is a fast paced track with a strong acoustic intro, starting off the EP with a solid folk punk flare. The lyrics refer to the poor state of modern society and the exploitation that occurs, it is a hard hitting message to start on. 

The theme of hard hitting lyrics continues on in to ‘Fragile Society’ which is a slightly more mellow acoustic track. The rustic vocals reiterate that folk element making it a very traditional listen. 

In general, the music on the EP comes across as really upbeat and jolly, but this far from matches the downtrodden tone of the lyrics. This idea is particularly relevant with tracks like ‘Lose Myself To The Dark’ in which the lyrics refer to feeling broken and lost, but are sung alongside an energetic folk rhythm. 

No Murder No Moustache finishes the EP with a bombshell track sung entirely in Welsh. ‘Cyn Mae’r Byd Yn Cael Ei Ddinistro’,  (translates to: ‘Before The World Is Destroyed) is a stand out track to end on, making the EP unlike any other of its kind.