A Poem for Copperworm’s latest EP Falling Down

HMV –  Hear My Voice

Powered by an engine 

Stoked by the dread

Jet propelled by the angst 

That crashes around my head,

I’m falling, falling

I’m failing, failing

Maybe I’m better off dead.

How I want to grab it all

With both hands, and all my heart

Not to comfort

Not to rejoice,

But to shred it,

Tear it all down

Until someone hears my voice.

A proclivity for the divine

Deus ex machina

Longing for the time

When everyone’s a winner.

An Indian sky that encapsulates

All the good in life,

Yellow sun, blue horizon

A little bluster to shift the strife.

But it’s not to be

I’m still me,

A little weary

A little red eye teary,

I don’t care

I’m not there

In spirit or in soul,

My body, a physicality

Not to have, not to hold.

When there is no trust

There is no pulse,

All positivity,

All possibility is halved,

As I run with scissors

I see your face in the two-way mirror,

If  I come to harm,

I won’t disarm

I’m ready to be carved.

I want to stand 

Take my hand

Stop me from falling down,

Nobody likes me

So, I’ll despise me

One life

I’m my own rival,

To question why I’ve not the time

Or inclination

Journeying to a dead-end destination,

What are my chances of survival?

You’ll find me crouching like a tiger

Hiding like a dragon

Missing the last bus home

And falling off your bandwagon.

Wandering restlessly, running on empty

Only to fall at your feet,

My face in the palm of your hand

Breaths slipping through like grains of sand,

Curse the day

You came my way

What you took me for, mistook me for

Damn God, God damn

‘Cos here I am.

Azra Pathan

Copperworm – Falling Down EP  out now via self -release.