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Album Review: Covet – ‘Technicolor’

San Francisco trio – Covet, have just released their newest album ‘Technicolor’ on the 5th June 2020. 

The instrumental band have used ‘Technicolor’ to immerse and engage with the art of sound and the colour and textures within music. 

The band’s second album brings a rich palette of sound to life alongside the new addition of vocals and lyrics to Covet’s work. 

A gentle ebb and flow persists throughout the album, easing you into the diversity and emotion that it has to offer. 

The ambience of the album is so calming, especially in ‘Parachute’, which begins with the soothing plucking of strings and weightless vocals of Yvette Young.

‘Parachute’ reflects on the risks of new/ uncomfortable experiences such as starting a new job or changing your routine. It is about being brave, embracing independence and not allowing yourself to be tied down by anyone or anything. 

Alternatively, tracks such as ‘Nero’ are comprised by depth as each shift and change in pattern leads to a stream of possibilities and emotions. 

Yvette, on guitar and vocals, said: “There are moments where it sounded regal, evil, and intense.

“David suggested ‘Nero’ as the name. It’s sinister and possesses a lot of power. During the final section of the end, it feels like someone is ascending to another realm.” 

‘Farewell’ ends the album by allowing the vocals to take flight, dipping and diving amongst the melody and calming backing. The final track is set on taking life ‘day-by-day’ to let go of trauma, the past and give you that final boost to move on forward.  

What is particularly intriguing about the album is its ability to make you experience a wide spectrum of emotions without becoming intrusive or making you cringe. 

It is an easy listen, almost like a safe space to interact with once you let yourself be washed away by the sound. 

Have a listen to the album here!

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