Joyce Manor to release Songs from Northern Torrance album – stream House Warning Party

Acclaimed California-based four-piece Joyce Manor have announced Songs From Northern TorranceThe 10-track compilation is a collection of early material that offers a glimpse into the band’s humble beginnings as an acoustic two-piece. Originally recorded between 2008-2010, many of the tracks have become fan favorites over the years previously existing in a live setting, or on rare CD-Rs sold by the band during their early days on the road. 
The newly remastered tracks will be available on streaming services this Friday, May 29th and on vinyl September 18th. The vinyl is currently available for pre-order here.
Today, the band shares “House Warning Party,” a one-minute blast of upbeat suburban angst.  “A lot of early Joyce Manor songs are actually leftovers from earlier bands, but ‘House Warning Party‘ was the first song I wrote specifically for Joyce Manor,” explains vocalist Barry Johnson. “I was working at the Long Beach Aquarium and the first line of the song came to me while I was perusing the vending machine on my break. They had some LifeSavers and on the packaging it said ‘five flavors’ and the opening line of the song just popped in my head. The rest of the lyrics came effortlessly and the song was fully written in about the time it takes to listen to. Listening to it ten years later it sounds young and inspired and I’m impressed at how much of a story I was able to tell in just over a minute.”



1. House Warning Party 
2. Fuck Koalacaust 
3. DFHP?
4. Danke Schoen 
5. Who Gave You A Baby 
6. Constant Nothing 
7. Done Right Discount Flooring 
8. 5 Beer Plan 
9. Chumped 
10. Leather Jacket