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EP Review: Dream Awake – Prosper

Alternative rock band ‘Dream Awake’ released their five-track EP – ‘Prosper’, on the 8th May 2020. 

The searing sounds of the EP are both emotional and empowering; filled with purpose, clarity and an edge of frustration. There isn’t a single track which feels lesser than another, as each track takes an effective role to communicate and make sense of the raucous unfiltered energy the band have to offer. 

Although with the current lockdown restrictions it might be a while until anyone is witnessing live performances, ‘Prosper’ is the next best thing as it creates a sense of the electric energy and satisfied feeling usually only gained from a live performance. 

 The title track ‘Prosper’, is a prime example of this as it immediately fills the previous quiet with heavy noise and energy. The main melody is surprisingly poetic above the cacophony of noise from the heavy bass, electric guitar and drums. ‘Prosper’ like other tracks on the EP certainly doesn’t shy away from being noisy, but there is a soothing element to the lyrics and vocals which creates a beautiful sound when juxtaposed amongst the track as a whole.

It is this soothing element amongst the raucous humming of the bass and drums which adds a deeper emotional perspective to the EP. ‘Heritage’ is similar to ‘Prosper’ in this way, sharing a similar melody line and maintaining an almost ethereal sound through the echoes of the backing vocals. 

‘Obsession’ is another of the bands emotionally charged tracks where lyrics such as ‘pouring out my heart’ catalyse the emotional power. It is these poetically infused lyrics which allow the mundane human emotions to glare through the harsh power of the music and shine above the noise.

Dream Awake use this electric noise which is especially noticeable in ‘Inanimate’ to ride the steely edges of their genre. The shouts and screams within make this one of the louder tracks on the EP allowing a whole new fierceness to seep through. However, there is still beauty within the minute backing harmonies only just audible over the heavy sound.

The final track, ‘Anaesthesia’ doesn’t particularly showcase the band’s ability as well as other tracks. The weighted focus and clarity in the vocals, however, are fully immersive and hit home with the emotion it holds. 

The cathartic ‘Prosper’ EP unites both melodic and progressive sounds, pushing boundaries to create a huge bubble of emotion making this a brilliant EP to help re-create the feeling of being at a live show.