Single Review: Bona Rays – Poser

Female Fronted

With all the brouhaha that still surrounds the presence of the fairer sex in the music industry, spare a thought for our friend Chas, whose delightful, ultra-feminine voice, unashamed in punk vibes and values has waited an eternity for her song ‘Poser’ to be recognised. Written by Tony Keating, this vivacious little number disappeared before it had any chance of life at all. As with all music, some artists ride the crest of the wave, some fall by the wayside and some never see the light of day. We are blessed that this hidden gem has been resurrected, with its Xray Spex style, it is a chance to spit out the words through our teeth, loiter on street corners to the dismay of the fine and upstanding, and maybe even give rise to the proclivity to lob a brick through a window and laugh hysterically. Engaging in such fun antics is typical of the genre, so you need to devote 1.55 minutes of your life to this. An extremely groovy backbeat, crispy around the edges but smooth on the palate, this is a song and a half. 

This release is rooted in endeavour, bad luck, loss and how destiny can shape our lives when we least expect it. There is an incredibly insightful back story to this which makes it all the more momentous. Personally. I love it, love it, love it!

At a time when racial tensions were rife – I understand things still aren’t too great- a woman of colour being allowed a platform would have been unheard of. So, my friends, hear her now because ‘she’s the only one that can stand out in a crowd’. 

Bona Rays – Poser  out 28th February  via Flashback Records