Historically Fiendish
A quick goosey gander at the track list and oh…where is ‘Limit Club’ I thought. I looked again, squinting purposefully, and no it’s not there. It’s my all- time favourite song, my friends, so excuse me while I sniffle a little. Minor gripe over, let’s Rock ‘n Roll folks as this treasure chest is filled top to bottom, front to back and side to side with tunes that would set off the most dormant of volcanos.
Kicking things off, love is in the air ducklings with ‘I’ll be the ink on your season ticket card’ it’s friendly and feisty and typically Damned, I just love this song, I heard it recently at a concert during the interval. Y’see ladies and gents I love The Damned, quite a lot actually, for me they can do know wrong; I am unashamedly biased right now. I am utterly enthralled by this record as classic after classic throws themselves at me all vying for my attention. I am overcome and smitten, a sterling job has been done in selecting the songs for the final cut.
It’s fantastic to see them back on top of their game with the latest album ‘Evil Spirits’ and Dave Vanian (sigh…swoon…faint…) with his booming, fuck off voice that makes you drop your weapons forthwith, well I need to sit down…..
‘Standing On The Edge Of Tomorrow’ and ‘Black Is The Night ‘ are the latest additions to this expansive and highly creative and dynamic back catalogue, nothing is here that doesn’t belong here. Probably one of the most underrated bands around, but maybe that was for the better, and as for those drums on ‘Machine Gun Etiquette’ well all guns blazing doesn’t quite cover it.
With gob-smacking lyrics like ‘we’re coming up from the deep, the lizard sheds its’ skin’ and a tale of split personality in ‘Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde’ with its’ calculating and callous ‘I’ll hold you gently, but he’ll smother you’ I really can’t cope.
I had the urge to ‘Smash It Up’ but ‘Melody Lee’ was ‘So Messed Up’ when walking down the ‘Street Of Dreams’ a ‘White Rabbit’ what could it mean? I’d like to be left ‘Alone Again Or’ maybe ‘Eloise’ just might, but I’ll be ‘Under The Floor Again’ when ‘Black Is The Night’.
Forgive my indulgence, Christmas came early this year and I’ll be Damned forever.
The Damned – Black Is The Night ( The Definitive Anthology) out now via BMG Music