The 4th album from Wolff Parkinson White – due for release on 7th February 2020, continues the similar Industrial, and non-confirmative electronic style presented in previous tracks and albums.
It is the addition of human vocals however which makes this album stand out from previous tracks. The vocals add a juxtaposition between the sophisticated melody and rough staccato twangs of the track.
The 13 guest vocalists all feature on one of the 13 tracks giving the album space to fully explore the electronic glitching and throbbing of the industrial soundscape.
The vocals all reveal slight elements of jazz as the haunting melodies create clear syncopation with the typical cacophony of electronic glitches and distortion.
The confusing rhythms taking place both electronically and vocally reflect the ambiguity, diversity and resonance of the lyrics and vocals in the album.
The harmonies layered quietly behind the main vocals are haunting and will send shivers down your spine when heard, especially in ‘when I’m in pieces’ (Track 4).
The confusion in Clare Manchon’s vocals and lyrics are emphasised by the frequent diminuendos giving the track an almost ‘lost soul feel’ as a result of the continuous discord.
The album pushes the boundaries of the unknown and delves into another world, one of which you don’t typically hear on a daily basis.
Reverb is further used on some vocals such as in ‘Bereavement’ (Track 6) as Josh Mease’s vocals are electronically reverbed in a way which allows the naturality of voice to be blended into the glitches.
The lyric ‘Somebody get me out of here’ and repetition of ‘get out alive’ adds to the gut sense of fear the track invokes as the glitches trap and encompass the melody.
As the track continues the melody takes on, what resembles an echo, continuing to fade in strength so that the final time we hear the melody it is a lot weaker and further away than at the beginning of the track.
The unusual and unpredictable rhythms and sounds created evoke curiosity but also convey a sense of danger which is strengthened by the vocals on the tracks.
It is the meddling of natural sound and artificial electricity that encompasses the album as a whole creating the melancholy syncopation which resonate throughout the whole track.