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Album Review: Mighty Mighty – Misheard Love Songs

High And Mighty

After a thirty- year hiatus -you get less time for murder- my yampy cousins from Brum have returned. After succumbing to the trials of life, like we all have to, they found it in their hearts and minds to create this nifty little number titled ‘Misheard Love Songs’. A positively vibrant and engaging record, with the rich and soulful voice of Hugh McGuiness, who I think sounds remarkably like Neil Hannon(The Divine Comedy), this is a giant leap forward that is still steeped in history and nostalgia. You’ll excuse me while I wipe my rose- tinted glasses, and I peek through the nets to see the car you built parked outside my maisonette, I know it’s not against the law, but I’ve been swimming with sharks lately.

So, it begins with the joyful jingle, jangle of ‘Where Would I Be?’ and the accompanying video features our very own ‘Floozie In The Jacuzzi’, a simple little love song that gets the message across. The friendly and familiar feel continues with ‘Weather Girl’ and the poignant lyric ‘ rain that falls on the best laid plans’ which epitomises everything you wanted to say but couldn’t find the words. One of my favourites is ‘Lying To You’ now own up, we’ve all done it, even if it’s a white one, but again it’s the openness of the expression without complicating the issue.

The six -minute wonder that is ‘The Invention Of Love’ meets us halfway and gives us the second appearance of the album title, the first was in ‘Weather Girl’. Again, quite a classy tune, easy going, affable tune with the instrumental kicking in at 3.12 and leading you to a graceful finish.

The poppier, catchier ‘Stupid Little Things’ is typical of the sound you would expect, short, sweet, and quite chirpy; it’s the words again thought that grab me ‘ these little things are sent to try us, stupid little things’, they are articulate and quite potent without the need to scream and shout. 

With ‘Everything’ you have the instantly recognisable sound of Indie, for those who remember the 80’s scene, this is where you let yourself fall back safe in the knowledge that these tunes will envelope you in their warmth and gentleness.

We venture into a little jazz and blues territory with ‘Forgettable’ and we learn how styles of music overlap and influence each other. We also learn that ‘all those keepsakes you keep are to blackmail me’, I sense a little sinister/subliminal messaging here, hehehehehe….

‘Winter’ gives an idyllic, fairytale appeal with its ‘leave tracks in the snow, I could start a new story right here’, it really sums up the whole feelgood, Indie-ness of the record.

To finish we have ‘The Profit And Loss Blues’ smooth as you like, telling you that ‘you’ve done everything but it’s not enough’ which is the story of my life folks. Relatable, compatible, stirring emotions you thought you wouldn’t be brave enough to face. 

Life takes its toll my friends, its nice to have you back. Welcome home lads.

Mighty Mighty – Misheard Love Songs out now via Firestation Records

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