Live Review: The Fallen State, Mallen, Fahran and The Cruel Knives at O2 Academy Birmingham

The Fallen State

In- Fah-Mal Cruelty

Evening ducklings gather round and listen very carefully, I have important matters to discuss. It was a busy evening with four bands on tonight, a great vibe inside the venue is always a good sign. What caused this, I hear you ask? I would say an evening in support of grassroots rock, all UK bands with a desire to succeed in their craft. The bigger picture is dire really, with venues closing and bands failing to make the grade, so to speak.

First up are Mallen, from the Home of Metal itself, a bright and breezy band of merriment and  musicality, tearing through your ribcage and grabbing your heart and holding it cosily to their chest. Songs to jump and jive to, they are a joy to watch, singer Kelly Jane entrusting the audience with their precious cargo, their album ‘Polarity’ and we reciprocated, a great way to set things up for the night. It was my first time hearing from these guys, surely ones to watch out for. Let’s keep the fire of British rock fuelled with fresh ideas and attitudes and inclusivity. 


Second in command were our Nottingham friends Fahran, and gosh the singer growls and rasps through gritted teeth, adding a curious and alternative angle. Showcasing tunes from ‘V-A-P-O-U-R-S’ our heroes lead the way in this ever-evolving landscape, they are an industrious bunch, mindful of their path and their restorative qualities. Do I sound unhinged? I blame the music, it does things to me that I can’t explain. ‘Suffer The Sorrow’ punches you in the gut, but you don’t mind being pummelled by the clarity and cohesion here. Fan favourite ‘State Of Mind’ closes what has been an emotionally charged, anguished set but an extremely enjoyable one. Writing and then performing songs to a room full of strangers is not easy, but to carry it off with  dignity and professionalism is a hats off moment.

Having plenty of time backstage to sharpen their cutlery, we welcome The Cruel Knives flashing their steel and setting out for a little cut ‘n thrust, jabbing and poking in a sustained attack on an increasingly sweaty crowd. I had to pop outside for a minute for some air,  while I wilted in the doorway a sweetheart(Fahran, I think) handed me a glass of iced water, you know who you are and your kindness will never be forgotten, much love and respect brother. Formed out of the break-up of Heaven’s Basement, these fellas know how to entertain, having a funky shirt is a great start. A set that was high impact and high energy, singer Tom pleads ‘just gimme a chance to breathe’ is a fantastic way to sum up our lives right now. He asked the fans to sing along with him but ‘only if you had a good voice’ well that’s me out of that race. Songs from new album ‘Side Two’ motored along, vivid and full of life. 

Set closer ‘If This Is The End’ was a perceptive way to finish, a great song from a great band, with a great presence  and attitude. 

Don’t be cruel folks, what looks like a dream job is really a tough old gig, give this trio of firecrackers a chance to light up your life. 

Deadset And Hellbent

The final set change to the tune of Luther Vandross  ‘oh my love…’ and we play a game of ‘Where the fuck are my drums?’ with Rich as he looks perplexed at the nothingness in front of him. He gathers the various pieces and assembles it just in time for Captain Ben to whizz onstage and by crikey folks, he’s a livewire! An energetic bundle of fun, like a demented Tigger, bounding across the stage in all manner of bouncy, flouncy, fun. This is my second time watching them and  I can vouch for the ‘endeavour’, that has seen them progress to this headline tour. 

The Fallen State

My favourite ‘Sinner’ was third in line and we sang like the maniacs we are, the set showcasing the new album ‘A Deadset Endeavour’ with the single ‘American Made’ such a banger heard live. The bass had a temporary strop midset,(it might have been Greg with the strop hahaha…), but undeterred our heroes continued with an inspired ‘Four Letter Word’ and an invitation to ‘burn it to the ground  so we can start again’. I think we all wish for that sometimes.

Dan returned to the stage from his recent health problems much to our delight, he offered his gratitude for our support in his most trying of times. We whooped and cheered to see him where he belongs, stay safe stay well my friend.

The stratospheric ‘Nova’ and thundering shredding courtesy of nimble- fingered Jon and then a drum solo too(so glad he got his kit together), and we end on ‘You Want It’ I mean do you really want us to answer that?

The Fallen State are really a bunch of down to earth, friendly and gentle people trying to make their way through this music minefield. Hopefully my efforts, in some small way, will help them achieve their dreams. 

Oh yes, Ben made us do it again, by demanding we ‘get our asses on the floor’ for the big finish. I don’t think he saw me crawling on my hands and knees at the back of the room.

Outside I have a natter with Rich who is apologetic for the technical issues they faced, but I hope I put his worries to rest, sometimes it’s no-one’s fault that things go wrong. As an audience we need to let go of the entitlement issue, an artist is performing to maximum capacity, we need to rally round and support them. The niggles were handled beautifully, without the need to cause a fuss, showing an assiduousness and proficiency. Anyway, we had a more pressing matter to discuss, so lads, jam or cream first eh?