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Album Review: UnityTX – Madboy

Bring The Noise!

Deep in the heart of Texas, where the stars at night, are big and bright, we see in the moonlight, our friends UNITYTX  strutting their funky stuff to the tune of a hip/hop and rock infusion. Using influences from other genres is nothing new, but what we have here is a daring and disturbing analysis of real life. We’ve all heard about the increase in knife crime and it’s easy to push it aside, as if somehow people involved in gangs are themselves to blame. It is a tough situation my friends, no role models, breakdown of the family, no jobs, no opportunities, so people are left to find their own way out. More often than not making the wrong decision, which then throws you down a hole that you can’t get out of.

Society has begun to make changes but already too much damage has been done, that doesn’t mean that we give up, we continue and with artists who are unafraid we have the torch that lights the way.

First up we have a ‘Ruckus’ and crikey it’s lively with its ‘raze me if you dare’ challenge, I think UNITYTX are slightly frazzled. With a ‘Hail Mary’ the plea to be saved as you feel overwhelmed by it all in the line ‘I need a grip, so help me God, before I empty the clip’. There is a real need to channel thoughts of disservice, inequality and injustice if we are to make progress. Bands like Bad Brains, Living Colour have already stepped up to the plate, and now the fight continues with the new breed.

Singer Jay Webster asks for ‘gimme a minute’ in ’60 Seconds(Wait)’ before he advises not to ‘Cross Me’ painting a picture of honesty and because we all have ‘stuff’ to deal with, we need to try harder to be better human beings. 

There is a great opening line in ‘Piece Of Mind’ that shows the frustration and end of the line feeling we all get ‘bury me, give me peace, beyond this suffering’ is real pain and anguish folks. There is a desire, an ache for inclusion and representation and to destroy prejudice and hatred, which all stems from lack of trust, poverty and a fractured society.

‘I want a world where we got no hurt’ from ‘Better Dayz’ well… nuff said. 

There is a defiance and a rage-filled conviction that we will not take any more rubbish from anyone, it’s time ladies and gents, to be wise in your choices. We need to continue to learn from each other, to grow, and respect each other, because my friends, there is comfort in the unfamiliar when we realise, we’re not that different anyway. 

We finish on a heart-breaking note in ‘’Iused2lookup2u’ and the lyric ‘I’m a kid needing love, but I got the truth’. We have grossly let down our children, misjudged them, and taken our eye off the ball. A shameful reality.

A calculated collection of cacophony that is cohesive and concise.

UNITYTX – Madboy out 11th October via Pure Noise Records 

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