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Album Review: DragonForce -Extreme Power Metal

Trust Me, I’m A Dragon!

I glanced down the track list and stopped dead, oh bugger it can’t be I thought. I  tapped the keyboard ferociously and lo and behold my fears were confirmed, our friends have covered ‘My Heart will Go On’. Being completely biased here, I had already made my mind up, not really having had any interest in the original, I mean why? How? WTF man? I’ll come back to this later….

For now, though Dragonforce are back with album number eight and it begins with ‘Highway To Oblivion’ and oh what joy, it sounds like Christmas! Air guitars at the ready folks because this is fast, fast and erm…fast. Chase after it with your tails in the air and don’t get left behind.

I love the next title, possibly autobiographical (unless I’m barking up the wrong tree, or maybe just barking mad) as our friends here have captured the ‘Cosmic Power Of The Infinite Shred Machine’ and with words like ‘where no man has gone before us and none shall return’ we encounter a very Star Wars feel.

‘The Last Dragonborn’ sees that ‘ a flash of steel will crush our foe’ and fairy tales come alive as our imaginations are set on fire by our knights in shining armour.

The same theme weaves wonders and is unifying and fortifying in its spirit, as we find in ‘Troopers Of The Stars’ a tale of wanting to fight for a better world –  now who doesn’t want that, eh?

Interspersed with the blistering fretwork we have snazzy little piano parts, sharp and technically incandescent. A universal, nay intergalactical approach, a desire to hold on despite our struggles and we are certain to be victorious.

A bagpipe introduction to a fabulous, heartfelt war anthem as we honour the fallen in ‘Remembrance Day’ .we hear about their gallantry and salute our ‘heroes lost in time’.

Lest we forget, this song says it all. 

Now the moment I dreaded, a little tinkling to start then a fire-powered ‘My Heart Will Go On’ develops and hurries along maddeningly, I actually find it quite amusing, titillating even, but my daughter, who loves the original, thinks it has been crucified and the band should be ashamed of themselves, she leaves the room muttering incoherently to herself.

A symphony of never-ending riffs and I am blown away by them all, a most convivial and exuberant effort, not a bad song here, except for ‘the one that shall not be named’ but that’s not the band’s fault. I think however, cover versions are what they are –  an interpretation of an original work – make of them what you will.

This is one record that does exactly what it says on the tin, not that it came in a tin y’understand. Indulgent maybe, but it is time to lose yourself and rock out unabashedly.

 So be enthralled, in this magical, mystical fantasy world , get swept away to lands far away, find Toothless and take him home( I wish…) and may the Dragonforce be with you!

Dragonforce – Extreme Power Metal out 27th September via Metal Blade Records 

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